244 Journal and Correspondence
Liber C C
No. 22
the 19th Inst You will observe by the within Act that this Board is
authorised and requested, in Case the Bills are not sold within thirty
Days, to have Bills of Credit emitted to the Amount, and on the
Credit of the thirty Thousand Pounds therein mentioned. We are
turther requested by a Resolution of the General Assembly of the
5th Instant, to prepare for the Emission in Case it should be found
necessary. The Time limited being nearly expired and the Bills not
yet sold, we have, in Consequence, engaged Mr Green to go to Phila-
delphia, for the Purpose of procuring Paper and Plates, and he is
desired to take your Directions as to the Denomination, Device,
and Marks of each Bill, which we beg you will choose and determine
on, and give him your Aid in the Execution of this our Commission.
p. 148
[Council to Charles Blake, Esqr.]
Sir We have received your Letters of the 27th and of this Date.
It gives us real Concern that it is wholly out of our Powers to supply
you with Cash at present. The enclosed Order on the Collector of
Queen Ann's County for 6000£ is the only Expedient we can devise
by which you have a Chance of an immediate Supply of the Article
you deem essentially necessary to give Life to your Commission.
There is no great Credit derived from declaring a Willingness to
supply the Necessaries for subsisting the Army, if those Articles are
withheld, unless the highest Price is paid for them in Cash. The
Sincerity of Professions, is best proved by corresponding Actions.
We cannot send you an Order on the Eastern Shore Treasurer, as
he is possessed of a subsisting Order of this Board, to transmit to
Mr Harwood the Treasurer of this Shore, all the Money he receives.
The Commissaries who applied for Directions, are limited not to
exceed 67..10..0 p O for Flour 22..10..0 p Bushel of wheat 3£ p
for Bacon and £375 p Barrel for Pork and Beef.
August i
Liber C B
No. 23
p. 178
Tuesday 1st August 1780
Present as on yesterday.
Ordered That the Collector of the Tax for Cecil County to pay
to Barack Williams Commissary for said County six thousand
Pounds to be Accounted for.
That the western shore Treasurer pay to Robert Reith Messenger
to the Governor and Council one hundred and Twenty five Pounds
for one Month Salary to the first Instant.
Whereas it is necessary that Vessels should be immediately pro-
vided to transport the Troops of the United States from Annapolis
to the Common Wealth of Virginia on their March to join the Mary-
land Division in Carolina and it being impracticable to procure a
sufficient Number of Vessels on line, You are hereby authorized