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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780
Volume 43, Page 246   View pdf image (33K)
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246 Journal and Correspondence

Liber C C

No. 22

Orders to proceed to Hooper's Streights for the Purpose of Co-
operating with Capt. Smoot in subduing and capturing the Enemy
who have lately committed Depredations on the Trade and Inhabi-
tants of this State in that Quarter

[Council to Baruch Williams Esqr]

Sir Enclosed you have an Order on the Collector of Cecil County
for £6000: The Treasury will not afford you a Supply of Money,
at present; but as the Collectors are greatly deficient in their Pay-
ments, and we shall probably have an Emission of Money shortly,
it may be in our Power to furnish you with a Sufficiency to comply
with your Contracts. We have limited the Commissaries who applied
for Instructions, not to exceed £375 p Barrel for Pork & Beef, p O for Flour, 22..IO..O p Bushel for Wheat and 3£ ptt
for Bacon

p. 150

[Council to Capt. Wm. Middleton]

Sir We request you to Proceed in the State Boat Dolphin down
to Hooper's Streights, for the Purpose of Co-operating with Capt
Smoot in subduing and capturing the Enemy or disaffected Inhabi-
tants of this State who have for some Time infested the Trade in
that Quarter and committed Depredations on the good People of the
State, who are situated within their Reach. We wish you Success &
a quick Return.

Liber C B
No. 23
August 2
p. 179

Wednesday 2d August 1780

Present as on yesterday.
Ordered That the Armourer deliver to Capt William Middleton
of the State Boat Dolphin 20 1 Powder 15 1 Musket Ball half Quire
Cartridge Paper and 8 Swivel Aprons.
That the said Armourer deliver to Lieut. Saml Lane what Car-
tridges he may want, taking an Account of the same.
That Mr John Crisall deliver to Capt. William Middleton 5 Gall8
Rum and 10 t Brown -Sugar in full for his Monthly Allowance in
those Articles.
That the western shore Treasurer pay to Capt. William Middleton
Three hundred Pounds on Account
That the Collector of the Tax for Harford County pay to Samuel
Lee six thousand Pounds to be expended in the Purchase of horses
&ca under the Act to procure an Extra Supply of Provisions &ca on

[Council to John Voorhees, Esqr]

Sir The above is a Copy of a Letter sent you by Doctr Tillotson
the 29th Ulto in answer to your several Letters preceeding that Date,

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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780
Volume 43, Page 246   View pdf image (33K)
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