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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780
Volume 43, Page 243   View pdf image (33K)
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of the Council of Maryland. 243

[Council to Mr. John Beall, p Geo. County]

Sir Yours of the 20th Inst we have received, and wish we had it
in our Power to furnish you with the Sum of Money you require.
We recommend it to you to make as many of your Contracts for
Tobacco, as possible, as that Article can be more conveniently
spared from the Treasury than Money. You have enclosed, an
Order on the Collector of Prince George's for £ which, if
immediately received may assist your Purchase. This is all we can
do, until the Taxes come in. We think it best to have the Horses
put out to Pasture, until we can adopt a Mode of sending them
forward to the Army

Liber C C
No. 22

Monday 3 1st July 1780
Present as on Saturday, except John H. Stone Esqr
Ordered That the Collector of the Tax for Ann Arundel County
pay to Joshua Dorsey junr Ten thousand Pounds to be expended in
the Purchase of Horses under the Act to procure an Extra Supply
of Provisions &ca & to be Accounted for.
That the Collector of the Tax for Queen Anns County pay to
Charles Blake Commissary for said County six thousand Pounds
on Account
That the western shore Treasurer pay to John Bullen Esqr Two
thousand Dollars to be expended in the Purchase of Straw & Plank
for the accommodation of the Officers and Soldiers now encamped
near this City to be accounted for.

July 31
Liber C B
No. 23
p. 178

[Gov. Lee to Capt. William Woolford]

Sir We request you and you are hereby empowered to take the
Command of the Plater State Boat and proceed with her down to
Hooper's Streights, for the Purpose of Co-operating with Capt
Smoot in subduing and capturing the Enemy or disaffected Inhabi-
tants of this State, who have for some Time, infested the Trade in
that Quarter and committed Depredations on the good People of the
State, who are situated within their Reach. The Officers and Men
on Board the said Vessel Plater are required and hereby directed
to act in subserviency to all your lawful Commands and this shall be
your and their Warrant.

[Council to Delegates in Congress]

Gent" Enclosed you have a Few more Copies of the " Act to
enable the Treasurer of the Western Shore to draw and sell Bills
of -Exchange and for an Emission of Bills of Credit if necessary "
which be pleased to transmit for the Purpose expressed in ours of

Liber C C

No. 22

p. 147

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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780
Volume 43, Page 243   View pdf image (33K)
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