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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780
Volume 43, Page 242   View pdf image (33K)
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242 Journal and Correspondence

Liber C C
No. 22

Prices. As there are plentiful Crops of Wheat made, we expect to
get it and the Flour for the Prices abovementioned and 6os. is the
most we have given for Bacon, delivered at the Head of Elk. You
have the Power of giving Certificates, which may be discontinued
in the Payment of the present and future Assessments. We think
you had better forward the Grain procured on the Waters imme-
diately to the Head of Elk, directed to Colo Henry Hollingsworth,
and approve of the Contract made with Colo Fitzhugh, as beneficial
to the State. It is not in our Power at present, to supply you with
any Money from the Treasury, and the Mode we have some Time
past adopted, of giving Orders on the Collectors will not avail, as
you are without a Collector; so soon as it is in our Power, we shall
supply you with Money. We have enclosed you a Copy of the Act,
appointing Collectors.

[Council to Capt Robert Berry]

Sir You will proceed immediately with the State Boat Plater to
Hooper's Streights and there receive Directions from and act in
Concert with Capt. John Smoot, for the Suppression of the Tories
who have been acting as Pirates in Seizing Vessels, the Property
of the Subjects of this State. You are to make as much Dispatch as
possible and, so soon as the Object of this Expedition is attained,
you are to return.

[Council to President of the Board of War]

Sir Upon the Representation of pressing Solicitations of your
Honorable Board, we have determined to spare 15000** Powder
from the Stores belonging to this State, for which the Continent will
be charged with the Current Price of that Article. By gratifying
your Wish and our own Inclination to promote the Common Interest,
we have reduced the State Magazine to a very low Ebb, and still fur-
ther to demonstrate our Attachment to the Object for which America
is strugling we would most chearfully adopt the Measure you recom-
mend, of purchasing on the Credit of the State, if from Experience
we were not convinced of the Impracticability. The tedious and slow
Manner of replenishing the Treasury by Taxes, have heretofore
compelled us to try this Expedient, which by no Means answered our

p. 147

Expectations more especially after the first Attempt, for, relying
upon the Punctuality of the public Collectors, we did not hesitate
to give Assurances of Payments, but a Failure on their Parts, neces-
sarily occasioned Disappointments to the public Creditors and in-
jured the Credit of Government. The frequent Applications to this
Board by Mercantile Gentlemen, induces us to think it is not to be had
from Individuals in this State. The Powder shall be delivered to
your Order, from the Magazine at Frederick Town when you shall
think proper to send for it.

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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780
Volume 43, Page 242   View pdf image (33K)
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