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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780
Volume 43, Page 241   View pdf image (33K)
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of the Council of Maryland. 241

[Council to Capt. John Smoot]

Sir Yours of the 25th Inst we have received, and are sorry to be
informed of your Loss in particular and the general Distress of the
Inhabitants who are exposed to the Ravages of the Enemy's Pie-
caroons, aided by some of our own People. We think it necessary
to endeavour to capture them, that they may be brought to condign
Punishment, and have, for the Purpose, ordered down to Hooper's
Streights, one of the armed State Boats; but from the short Notice
given and as the Captain is unwell, it will be impossible for him to
arrive there by the Time you propose. We cannot think it justifiable,
either to burn the Houses of the suspected, or injure them in their
Persons, but would have the legal Steps taken to have them appre-
hended and brought to Punishment

[Council to John Voorhees Esqr]

Sir We lament it is not in our Power to furnish you with Money
from the Treasury, it being at present entirely exhausted. The
enclosed Order for 6000, we hope, may be conveniently paid by the
Collector of Kent County and when the Treasury is replenished, we
will enable you to comply with your Contracts. In giving Directions
for the Government of the several Commissaries we have invariably
limited the Prices not to exceed p Bushel for Wheat,
67-.10..0 p C* for Flour, 3£ pll for Bacon & 1000 Dollars p Barrel
for salted Pork & Beef. We wish to have the Wheat manufactured
into such Flour as has been hitherto made for the Army. We have
appointed Mr John Bolton of Chester Town, Issuing Commissary
for the Eastern Shore Department, and request you to give every
Assistance in furnishing him with the Supplies of Provision
[Council to Committee of Cooperation]

Gentn We were honored with your Letters of the 10th and 13th
enclosing a Copy of His Excellency General Washington's to you.
We are well convinced that it is a Matter of the first Moment to fulfill
the Engagements of this State, relative to the Supplies of Men and
Provisions and that the most vigorous Exertions ought to be made
to obtain them. Our Endeavours will not be remitted from a Reliance
on other States, as fully competent to the Business. It is a ruinous
and destructive Idea and ought to be greatly reprobated. We shall
do our utmost to facilitate the Execution of the Laws formed for
the Purpose of complying with your Requisitions

Liber C C

No. 22

[Council to Patrick Sim Smith Esql"]

Sir We have directed the Commissaries of Purchases in the
several Counties not to give more than 22...10.. o for wheat, 67..IO..O
for Flour & 6os for Bacon. We would not have you exceed those

p. 146

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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780
Volume 43, Page 241   View pdf image (33K)
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