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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780
Volume 43, Page 240   View pdf image (33K)
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240 " Journal and Correspondence

Liber C C
No. 22
p. 144

[Council to John Caile Harrison Esqr]

Sir Yours of the 22d is received. We have directed the Commis-
saries in the several Counties of this State, not to give more than
22.10.0 for Wheat for wheat Flour 6os. for Bacon and i
Dollar for Pork and we would not have you exceed those Prices.
As there are such plentiful Crops of Wheat made, we expect to get
sufficient at the Prices above mentioned and we have not given more
than the Sums for Bacon and Pork and delivered at the Head of
Elk. The Assembly have given us a discretionary Power of Seizing
Provisions, which we shall certainly exercise, if sufficient cannot be
obtained by Purchase. It is out of our Power to furnish you with
any Money from the Treasury but have sent you an Order on the
Collector of the Tax for 6ooo£ which we hope will answer the

[Council to Ignatius Wheeler Jr. Esqr.]

Sir The Lowness of our Treasury hinders us from sending you
any Money and, as the Collector of your County has made up his
Accounts and no Prospect of your getting any from him, you must
endeavor to make your future Purchases in Tobacco, until we shall
be able to give Orders for more Money. The Horses and Waggons
you have already purchased you will have particular care taken of,
and not to hire Waggoners for them until you receive Orders for
their being sent forward. We cannot say any Thing respecting your
enlisting the Waggoners as Part of our Quota, the Law not author-
ising us. As for the Time for which Waggoner are to be hired, you
will receive further Information, at the Time you will have Orders
for their being sent to the Army

[Council to Henry Hooper, Esqr.]

Sir Your Letters of the 26th Inst are received. We think neither
the Deserters taken up nor the Men enlisted under the Act passed at
November Session last, can be applied to the Regiment Extraor-
dinary, but will be deducted from the Quota of your County to com-
plete the Battalions of this State in the Continental Army. We
wish we had it in our Power to transmit you the Sum of Money
you require, but the Deficiency in paying the Taxes, renders it
altogether impossible. We think every Exertion necessary to en-
deavour to capture the Pirates, with which you are infested, and to
assist you, we shall order down one of the State armed Boats but as

p. 145

the Captain of her is at present sick, she will not arrive at Hooper's
Streights by the Time appointed by Mr Smoot. We should readily
have sent you the Swivels and Ball if we had them. Enclosed are the
Commissions agreeable to your Request

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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780
Volume 43, Page 240   View pdf image (33K)
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