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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780
Volume 43, Page 239   View pdf image (33K)
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of the Council of Maryland. 239

necessary to prevent the pernicious Effects of a Competition- with
our Commissaries

[Council to Daniel Jenifer, Esqr.]

Sir Yours of the 25th Inst we have this Day received. We have
given Orders to the Commissaries in the Several Counties of this
State, not to exceed 22..10..0 p Bushel for Wheat & 67.10..0 p Cl
for Flour. This is the highest Price allowed to be given, yet we hope
you may be able to procure it on better Terms. Your Application
to be Commandant of the Regiment Extraordinary to be raised, did
not reach us until after the Officers were appointed. You will have
the Bacon sent to this Place as soon as possible, as we shall want it
for the Recruits. It is altogether out of our Power to furnish you
with the Money you require, but hope you will still be able to pro-
ceed in your Purchases

Liber C C

No. 22

Saturday 29th July 1780

Present as on yesterday

Ordered That the Collector of the Tax for Dorchester County pay
to John Caile Harrison Commissary of Purchases for said County
six thousand Pounds to be by him Accounted for.

That the Collector of the Tax for Prince Gs County pay to John

Liber C B
No. 23
p. 177

Beall six thousand Pounds to be expended in the Purchase of Horses
&ca under the Act to procure a Supply of Provisions &ea on Account.
Ordered That the western shore Treasurer pay to Thomas Tillotson
from this State Surgeon General in the Hospital Department one
hundred and Fifty Pounds the Gratuity allowed by the Resolution of
the General Assembly of the IIth of Decemr 1778 and also the
further Sum of Two thousand Dollars in lieu of Articles allowed
by the Act relating to the Officers and Soldiers &ca passed July 1779
agreeable to a Resolution of the Genl Assembly 17th June 1780

That the said Treasurer pay to Captain Robert Berry three hun-
dred Pounds on Account.

Permission is hereby given to James Townley Rigby and Ann
Rigby his wife, of this State to solicit leave from his Excellency Genl
Washington or the Commanding Officer at the out Posts of the
American Army at Elizabeth Town, to go to New York for the Pur-
pose of obtaining a Passage from thence to Great Britain not to
return again into this State during the present war between America
and Great Britain without the Leave of the Governor and Council
for the Time being first had and obtained with Liberty to take their

p. 178

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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780
Volume 43, Page 239   View pdf image (33K)
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