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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780
Volume 43, Page 238   View pdf image (33K)
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238 Journal and Correspondence

Liber C C

No. 22

[Council to Delegates in Congress]

Gent" The General Assembly on the 12th June last, took into
Consideration the Trade of this State and entered into the following
Resolution (iSOr* vid. resol.) which was transmitted to Congress,
and by them, referred to the Board of Admiralty: The Result of
whose Deliberation thereon, has not yet been communicated to us,
nor do we know that the Requisition of the Assembly will be com-
plied with. Our Coast has lately been much infested with the Pri-
vateers and Cruisers of the Enemy, our Trade and Navigation
obstructed and many of our Vessels captured, to the great Detriment
of the Public, Ruin of some, and Distress of many of our Merchants,
and we can assure you, unless two, or one, at least, of the Con-
tinental Frigates are so stationed as to afford Protection to the
Trade of Virginia and this State, that there is little or no Proba-
bility of our providing Cloathing and other Necessaries for our
Quota of the Army. As this State have, on every Occasion, everted
themselves in an extraordinary Degree, in support of the Common
Cause, and have, and do contribute their Proportion of the Expence
of the Continental Navy, and have not, hitherto, derived any Advan-
tage from it, we can but think it reasonable that our Request should
be gratified. We have just received a Letter from the commercial
Gentlemen from the Town of Baltimore representing, that the
Successes of small armed Vessels, have invited a very formidable
Enemy into our Bay, and that not less than twenty of their most
valuable Vessels, outward bound are now blocked up in Patuxent
River, and have been for some Time past and that, every Day they
receive Accounts of their Vessels being taken or destroyed. This
Representation of the Distresses and Embarrassments of the Trade
and Navigation of the States of Virginia and Maryland, not only
merits the immediate Notice of Congress, but, we think cannot fail
to induce them to order such a Number of Frigates to be stationed
at the Capes of Chesapeake, as will afford ample Protection to the

p. 143

Commerce thereof. We entreat you, in the most earnest Manner,
to lay this important Subject before Congress and to use your utmost
Efforts and the weight and Influence of this State to obtain the
Protection desired.

[Council to Robert Morris Esqr]

Sir We have been favored with your Letter of the 18th Inst
accompanied by Letters from their Excellencies the President of
Congress and Minister of France, Mr William Smith is furnished
with the desired Permission to purchase and export 3000 Barrels of
Flour for the Supply of his Catholic Majesty's Fleets and Armies
acting in the West Indies and, at the same Time, we requested Mr
Smith to act with that Caution, in the execution of your Commission,

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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780
Volume 43, Page 238   View pdf image (33K)
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