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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780
Volume 43, Page 212   View pdf image (33K)
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212 Journal and Correspondence

Liber C B
No. 23

That the said Treasurer pay to Charlotte Small one hundred and
lain seventy five Pounds due [her] p Acct passed by the Depy Aud.
That the Commissary of Stores deliver to Ignatius Adams of
the I8t Regitnt 1 shirt, I pr Overalls and I pr shoes and also to Peter
Hennesey, John Collins and James Murphy Recruits for the 2d
Regimt a Suit of Cloaths the Bounty alld by the Genl Assy
That the Collector of the Tax for Harford County pay to Richard
Dallam Esqr Ten thousand Pounds in lieu of an Order of the 15th
May on the Treasury retd this Day and to be Accounted for.

Liber C C

No. 22
p. 124

[Council to Colo. Richard Dallam]

Sir We are much concerned it is not in our Power to relieve
you from your distressed Situation; there is not a Dollar in the
Treasury. We have enclosed you an Order on the Collector of Har-
ford County for 10,000 Pounds, in Lieu of one of the Orders on the
Treasurer of the 15th May, for that Sum, and hope it will answer
your Purpose. It is our earnest Desire the Collector would exert
himself to supply you

[Council to the Commissaries for Purchases in the several Counties]

Sir The great Confidence we repose in your Integrity, Zeal and
Activity in executing any Measure adopted by the Legislature to
promote the common Interest, have induced us to appoint you Com-
missary for Purchases for —— County to receive at any Time ante-
cedent to the last Day of September next from any Person inhabiting
within your County, such Articles enumerated in the Supplement
to the Act for the Assessment of Property within this State, passed

p. 125

last March Session, as such Person may elect to pay in Lieu of the
28 Pounds of Tobacco imposed by that Act on every hundred Pounds
worth of Property.
For your Direction in the Management of this Business entrusted
to you, we have sent you a Copy of those Clauses of the Act, which
relate to your Department. It is absolutely necessary that an extra
supply of Provisions of the Bread Kind should be procured for the
Continental Army with the utmost 'Expedition and for that Purpose,
we direct you to buy up, in your County, all the Wheat, Wheat Flour,
Bread in Barrels, Bacon, Salted Pork, and Beef in Barrels that can
be obtained, and contract for the same in Paper Money, Tobacco,
or Certificates, the Certificates to bear an Interest of 6 p Ct and to be
discounted in the Payment of the public Assessment. To incline the
Possessors of those Necessaries to dispose of them on reasonable
Terms with greater Promptitude, it will be proper for you to inform
them that, unless a sufficient Supply is purchased by a short Day, the
Governor and Council are invested with Authority to order a Seizure,
in the Manner heretofore made. Acquaint us by every Opportunity

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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780
Volume 43, Page 212   View pdf image (33K)
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