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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780
Volume 43, Page 213   View pdf image (33K)
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of the. Council of Maryland. 213

of your Success in purchasing, and we will send you such Sums of
Money and Tobacco as may be necessary. If you can make your
Contracts for Certificates, we prefer that Mode, 'til the present
Assessments are collected and brought in. You have Copies of the
Acts to procure an Extra Supply &ca and to procure a Supply of Salt
Meat &ca We have selected one Letter from General Washington
and two from the Committee of Co-operation, from many we have
lately received on the same Subjects; the enclosed Extracts from
which, so strongly and pointedly evince the urgent and pressing
Necessity of making the most vigorous Exertions to procure those
Supplies, that we deem it unnecessary to Superadd any Arguments

to the reasons and Motives contained therein, to Stimulate you to do
your utmost. We have already waded through a Sea of Difficulties,
but our Distresses were never so alarming as at present; the most
manly Fortitude, Perseverance and Indefatigable Industry, are essen-
tially necessary to retrieve our Affairs and free us from those Calami-
ties which Supineness and a criminal indifference will involve us in ;
we therefore exhort you, in the most earnest Manner, by that Pa-
triotism, Love of Liberty and tender Regard for Posterity, which
so eminently distinguished the Conduct of the virtuous Sons of
America, in the Beginning of this Contest, not to cease your most
unremitting Endeavors to carry into Execution the important Pur-
poses of those Acts 'til the Army is amply provided with every

Liber C C

No. 22

Thursday 6th July 1780

Present as on Yesterday.

Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to James Boyle one
thousand three hundred and four Pounds five shillings for 1 Bble
Sugar & 15! Bohea Tea Purchased by John Randall of Joseph Clark
for the use of the Officers in the Maryland Line p Mr Randalls

That the said Treasurer pay to John Smith Esqr Two thousand
six hundred and ninety eight Pounds, Two shillings and six Pence
for the use of Calhoun and Gist due them for Cloth & Linen Pur-
chased of them by John Randall for the use of the Officers of the
Maryland Line.
That the said Treasurer pay to John H. Stone Esqr Five thousand
nine hundred Pounds and also the further Sum of Two thousand
Pounds in part of his Salary as a Member of the Council
That the said Treasurer pay to Elie Vallette Esqr one thousand
Two hundred and fifty Pounds and the further Sum of Two hundred
and seventy Pounds due him p Accounts passed by the Aud. Genl

July 6
Liber C B
No. 23
p. 169

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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780
Volume 43, Page 213   View pdf image (33K)
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