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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780
Volume 43, Page 211   View pdf image (33K)
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of the Council of Maryland. 211

That the said Treasurer pay to Jonathan Parker Twelve Pounds
Bala of Acct passed by the Depy Aud.

Ordered That the Collector of the Tax for Washington County
pay to Capt. John Reid of a Compy raised by this State & stationed
at Fort Frederick Four thousand Dollars to be expended in the
Recruiting Service and Accounted for.
Ordered That Mr Abraham Faw deliver to the said Capt John Reid
20 Suits of Cloaths or such part as he may be able to Furnish.
That Mr John Shaw deliver to John Chalmers 13 Cannon Cart-

i Liber C B
No. 23

p. 169

[Council to Mr. Thomas Donellan]

Sir Mr Poe informs us that about 100 Barrels of Shad & 60 Bar-
rels of Herrings may be had; we request you to apply to him to know
the Persons who have them for sale, and purchase them on the same
Terms which we gave Mr Hudson, both as to Price and Condition
of Payment; you will have them carefully inspected before you re-
ceive them and, if merchantable, you will have them transported to

Liber C C

No. 22
p. 123

Colo Hollingsworth at the Head of Elk. You will deliver to Mr
Poe such Quantity of Corn and other short Forage as will enable
him to return such Quantity as he has borrowed for public use and
also supply him occasionally with what may be necessary for that

[Council to Mr. David Poe.]

Sir In Answer to yours of the 3d Inst we have to inform you that
we have requested Mr Donnellan to purchase the Fish and to supply
you with short Forage sufficient to enable you to return what you

bon owe J and lo fui nish yuu <_>i,i_cisiuiia.lly wHU llie Quantity that

may be necessary for your Post

[Council to Colo. Richard Dallam]

Sir Yours of the 1st Inst we received and can only Say at present
that you will not return the Flour received from McCan to Mr
Smith, until we take further Order therein. We should readily
transmit you the Money necessary to make you easy but it really is
not in our Powers to command a Shilling.

p. 124

Wednesday 5th July 1780

Present as on yesterday.

Ordered That the western shore Treasurer pay to Margaret Chat-
lain seventy five Pounds due [her] p acct passed by the Depy Aud.

July 5
Liber C B
No. 23
p. 169

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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780
Volume 43, Page 211   View pdf image (33K)
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