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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780
Volume 43, Page 208   View pdf image (33K)
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208 Journal and Correspondence

Liber C B
No. 23

2nd Lieut of Capt John Seney's Compy in the 5th Battalion. James
Sliney Ens of Capt Jacob Ringgold's Compy. John Rowles Capt.
James Sudler 1st Lieut, James E. Carter 2nd Lieut, & Charles Er reek-
son Ensign belonging to the 20th Batt of Mila Queen A County
Ordered That the western shore Treasurer pay to James Brice five
hundred Pounds on Account.
That the said Treasurer pay to Danl Carroll Esqr five hundred
Pounds on Account
That the said Treasurer pay to John Black Express from Phila-
delphia one hundred and fifty Pounds to be charged to the United

Liber C C

No. 22
p. 123

[Council to Capt. Geo. R. Keeports.]

Sir As we may have an immediate Call for all the Arms, Ac-
coutrements Ammunition &c belonging to this State, we request
you to furnish us without Delay with an Account of the Number
you have in your Possession and the Order they are in; if any are
out of Repair or want cleaning we wish you to have them put
immediately in the best Condition for the Field; to this we hupc
you will be particularly attentive

[Council to Commrs for Washington County]

Gentln We are surprised to hear by Col Stull that you did not think
yourselves directed by the Law for an immediate Supply of Flour
&** for the Army, to have the Wheat procured by you, manufac-
tured into Flour. We expect this will be done without Delay, and that
after delivering to Col. Rawlings what we may have Occasion for, of
any of the Articles, to supply the Guard over the Prisoners, the
Remainder should be sent forward and delivered to Mr Thomas
Donellan in Baltimore Town

[Council to The Lieutenants of the several Counties]

Sir We request you to furnish us, by the first opportunity, with
an Account of all the Arms, Accoutriments and Ammunition in
your Possession, or in the Care of any other Person in your County,
belonging to the State, If any of them want repairing or cleaning,
we wish to have it done immediately, and we will pay the Charge
thereof; to this we hope you will be particularly attentive

June 30
Liber C B
No. 23
p. 167

Friday 30th June 1780

Present as on yesterday.
Ordered That the Eastern shore Treasurer pay to Robertson
Stevens one thousand five hundred and twenty four Pounds, fifteen
shillings due him p acct passed by Depy Aud.

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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780
Volume 43, Page 208   View pdf image (33K)
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