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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780
Volume 43, Page 207   View pdf image (33K)
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of the Council of Maryland. 207

[Council to Capts Berry and Middleton]

You are to proceed to Portsmouth in Virginia, taking under your
Care and Safely convoying the three Vessels with Stores to that
Place from whence they may safely proceed to Milner's Landing,
you will remain at Portsmouth and wait their Return to take on
Board as many of Lee's Corps of Light Infantry as you can con-
veniently and safely transport to the Head of the Elk. If these
Troops should not be there or in the Neighborhood, so that you
cannot transport them without being detained more than ten Days
after the Return of the Vessels under your Convoy, you will then
proceed to Etnmerson's Landing on Wye River and take on Board
a Load of Flour from Mr Hemsley's Landing for this Place. The
Object of the Business with which you are charged, is to convoy
down these Vessels and back again with Safety.

Liber C C

No. 22

Wednesday 28th June 1780

Present as on yesterday.
Ordered That the western Shore Treasurer pay to William Mid-
dleton three hundred Pounds on Account
That the said Treasurer pay to Jonathan Parker one hundred and
fifty Pounds on Account

Liber C B
No. 23
June 28
p. 166

That the said Treasurer pay to Capt Robert Dashiell Two hun-
dred & forty Dollars the freight of 8 Bles. of Pork from Somerset
County to the City for the use of the State.
That the said Treasurer pay to His Excellency Thomas Sim Lee
Esqr Seven thousand five hundred Pounds in part of his Salary to
the 8th of May last
That the Armourer deliver to Colo James Tootell 5 pr Sweeps,
15! Langrage & 6 pr Handcuffs to be paid for when called on at the
Price which the Govr & Col may agree on.

A langrage
was a
used for
tearing sails
and rigging
and thus
disabling a

Captain Berry and Middleton of the State Boats Plater and Dol-
phin were employed in the Contl Service as Convoys
Commissions issued to John Hooper appointed Capt in the room
of Shadrack Lyden resd Jesse Greyless Capt in the room of James
Douglass, Bentol Stevens 1 Lieut, James Stafford 2d Lt and James
Ewing Ens. belonging to the 14th Battalion of Militia in Caroline

p. 167

Thursday 29th June 1780

Present as on yesterday.
Commission issued to Gabriel Peterson Vanhorn appointed Colo
of the Deer Creek Battalion of Militia in Harford County in the
room of Ignatius Wheeler, — and also to James Rippath appointed

June 29

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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780
Volume 43, Page 207   View pdf image (33K)
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