of the Council of Maryland. 209
That the western shore Treasurer pay to John Shaw Two thousand
five hundred and fourteen Pounds, seven Shillings and six Pence
due him p Acct passed by the Aud. Genl
Liber C B
No. 23
[Council to Mr. Charles Blake]
Sir Mr Earle having informed us that the French wheat seized
by you, is in a perishable State, we request you to deliver to the
French Agent, what may remain in your Hands, taking his Receipt
for the Quantity. If this cannot be done, it will be proper to send
it to some Mill immediately to be ground up into Flour that will
pass Inspection for the use of the French.
Liber C C
No. 22
p. 123
Saturday ist July 1780
Present as on yesterday.
Commission of Letters of Marque & Reprisal issued to John Carey
Commander of the Brig Hercules, 130 Tons burthen navigated by
60 Men mounting 16 Carriage Guns belonging to Young, Knox
and Compy of Baltimore
Ordered That the western shore Treasurer pay to Richard Talbot
seventy two Pounds for his Services as Adjutant to the Elk ridge
Batt of Militia for one year.
That the said Treasurer pay to Thomas Johnson Junr three hun-
dred Pound for 2 Ream of Paper purchased by him for the use of
the Public and also the further Sum of four hundred and Sixteen
Pounds, thirteen Shillings & four Pence for 1 mo Salary as Clk to the
Governor and Council due this Instant
That the said Treasurer pay to John Swan Capt of Colo Baylors
Corps, one hundred and fifty Pounds the Gratuity allowed to the
Officers of this State in the Continental Army by the Resolution
of the 4th of Decemr 1778 and seven hundred and fifty Pounds the
Allowance made by the Act relating to the Officers and Soldiers
of this State in the American Army &ca passed 22d of July 1779
and agreeably to the Resolution of the 1 Ith of April last.
July i
Liber C B
No. 23
p. 167
Commissions issued to Brice Gassaway appd Capt, in the room of
Basil Burgess Nicholas Aldridge 1 Lieut. John Rogers Ens. Vachel
Burgess 1 Lieut. Philemo Burgess Ens. of Vachel Stevens's Comp7
belonging to the Elkridge Batt of Militia in Ann Arundel County.
Ordered That the western shore Treasurer pay to Thomas Young
lately a Soldier in the 7th Maryland Regimt now discharged Twenty
Pounds in lieu of the Articles allowed by the Act relating to the
Officers & Soldiers of this State in the American Army &ca He hav-
ing made Oath that He hath not received any part thereof
p. 168