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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780
Volume 43, Page 206   View pdf image (33K)
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206 Journal and Correspondence

Liber C B
No. 23

Capt Robert Berry for the Plater 12 Stands small Arms 40 rounds
Cartridges to each stand, 12 Cutlasses, 6 Pikes, and 6 pr Pistols, and
also to Samuel Chase Esqr 5 fathom of Match rope to be retd or
paid for.

Commission of Letters of Marque and Reprisal issued to John
Steuart Commander of the Schooner Molly 60 Tons burthen, navi-
gated with 13 Men mounting 4 Carriage Guns belonging to Smith
Johnson & Co. of Baltimore and John Stewart of Annapolis and
also to James Buchanan Commander of the Brig Fox 80 Tons bur-
then, navigated with 22 Men mounting 8 Carriage Guns belonging
to John Dorsey & Co Baltimore.
In Virtue of a Resolution of the General Assembly of this date the
Continental Treasurer is requested to exchange the Sum of fourteen
thousand Dollars in Continl Bills of Credit for the like Sum of Con-
tinental Loan Office Certificates to be Lodged in the Treasury, the
Money to be delivered to Stephen West Esqr for the Accommoda-
tion and convenience of his Excellency Governor Rutledge.
Ordered That the western shore Treasurer pay to Capt. Robert
Berry Three hundred Pounds to be by him Accounted for.

Liber C C

No. 22
p. 122

[Council to the Governors of Havana and Port au Prince,

Sir In Pursuance of Powers delegated to us by the State of Mary-
land, to export Flour and import Necessaries for the Use of the
State; we have laded the Brigantine Fox, Capt James Buchanan with
628 Barrels of Flour, which we have consigned and trusted to the
Care and Management of Robert Dorsey Esqr a Gentleman of Char-
acter and Merit, who we particularly recommend to the Notice,
Countenance, and good Offices of your Excellency. To enable Mr
Dorsey to invest the Proceeds of the Cargo in the most desired
Articles, we request your Excellency to give him Permission to pur-
chase and export to our State, such European and West India Goods
as he thinks will best answer the Purposes of the State. It is our
most earnest Inclination to correspond with your Excellency and to
keep up such an Intercourse as will be most conducive to the recipro-
cal Advantages and Interests of the Governments over which we
have the Honor to preside. We shall receive the highest Satisfac-
tion in your Excellency's affording us an Opportunity of adding
Instances to the Professions of profound Respect with which we
have the Honor to be &ca

[Council to Colo. Robt. T. Hooe]

Sir We request you to forward the enclosed by Express to His
Excellency the Governor of Virginia

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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780
Volume 43, Page 206   View pdf image (33K)
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