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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780
Volume 43, Page 200   View pdf image (33K)
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200 Journal and Correspondence

Liber C C

No. 22

p. 118

[Council to Colo John Marshall, Young's Ferry & Thomas Clagett,

Sir We have, since writing to you, received Information from
the Governor of Virginia, that he had established a Line of Ex-
presses, by the Way of Alexandria, to Philadelphia, which renders it
unnecessary to have one in Readiness at Young's Ferry: we there-
fore request you to discharge the Rider you may have fixed at that

Liber C B
No. 23
June 20
p. 164

Tuesday 20th June 1780

Present as on yesterday. —
Ordered That the western shore Treasurer pay to Thomas John-
son jr Forty five Pounds for so much Money advanced by him to
Archelaus Yancy for the Purpose of defraying his Expences to
Virginia on an Express
That the said Treasurer pay to Jesse Hollingsworth Six thousand,
six hundred and forty six Pounds for 204^} Bohea Tea bought of
him by Mr John Randall State Agent & for which he gave an Order
dated 17th May 1780 —
That the said Treasurer pay to Thomas Johnson Junr Thirty
Pounds p Account passed by the Aud. Genl
That the said Treasurer pay to Jesse Littell Seventy five Pounds
due him p Acct passed by the Depy Aud.
That the Commissary of Stores deliver to Capt. Edward Prall of
the 1st Regimt Cloth for a Jacket and Breeches with Trimmings,
to Lieut Edward Edgerly of the 2d Regimt Cloth for a Jacket and
Breeches with Trimmings in part of the Articles allowed them by
the General Assembly.
That the said Commissary deliver to William Moore a soldier in
the 2d Regimt 1 shirt, to be charged to the said Regiment

Liber C C

No. 22

p. 118

[Council to Mr. Thomas Donellan]

Sir, We have purchased 200 Barrels of Shads and Herrings of
Mr Jona Hudson; you will receive them and send 70 Barrels of each,
by the Dolphin, Capt Middleton to Colo Hollingsworth at the Head
of Elk, 30 to this City, and retain the Residue for the Use of the
Continental Troops that pass through your Town

Liber C B
No. 23
June 21
p. 164

Wednesday 21st June 1780

Present as on yesterday
Commissions issued to Vachel Downes appd Major. James Hud-
son Graves I Lieut of Capt. Jacob Walters Comp and James Nevil
Ens of Capt John Seneys Compy belonging to the 5th Battalion of
Militia in Queen Anns County

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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780
Volume 43, Page 200   View pdf image (33K)
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