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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780
Volume 43, Page 199   View pdf image (33K)
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of the Council of Maryland. 199

[Council to Adam Muir Esqr. Nav'l Offr 6th Dist]

Sir The Enclosure is a Permit for Capt Perient Trott, to trans-
port to the Islands of Bermuda, in the Schooner Truce, three hun-
dred Bushels of Indian Corn, for the Relief of the Inhabitants of the
said Islands; which we request you will retain and that it shall not
have Effect until every Person on Board said Vessel, as well as the
Captain, take the Oath prescribed by the Act of Assembly in such
Case, a Certificate of which you are to transmit to Yr Humble Servts.

Liber C C
No. 22

Monday 19th June 1780

Present as on Saturday.
Commissions of Letters of Marque and Reprisal issued to Wil-
liam Thomas Commander of the Schooner Freemason, 70 Tons
burthen navigated by 14 men mounting 6 swivel Guns belonging to
Archibald Patison &Co of Maryland, to Clement Warring Comman-
der of the Brig Duke of Lienster 70 Tons burthen, navigated by
14 men, mounting 4 Carriage Guns, belonging to Charles Crook-
shanks and Compy Maryland, and also to Joseph Farribault Com-
mander of the Brig Porgie 90 Tons burthen navigated by 20 Men
mounting 4 Carriage Guns belonging to Saml Smith &Co of
Ordered That the western shore Treasurer pay to Gustavus Horner
of this State Surgeons Mate in the Hospital Department one hun-
dred and Fifty Pounds the Gratuity allowed by the Resolution of
the General Assembly of Decemr 11. 1778 and also Two thousand
Dollars in lieu of Articles allowed by the Act relating to the Officers
and Soldiers of this in the American Army &ca passed July 1779 and
agreeably to a Resolution of the Genl Assembly of June 17th 1780.
That the said Treasurer pay to Daniel Jenifer Esqr to be Delivered
over to Daniel Jenifer of this State Surgeon in the Hospital Depart-
ment, one hundred and Fifty Pounds the Gratuity and also two thou-
sand Dollars allowed him according to the above mentioned Reso-
lutions and Act of the General Assembly.
That the said Treasurer pay to Capt. Edward Prall of the Ist
Regimt Two thousand Two hundred and fifty Dollars to be ex-
pended in the Recruiting Service & accounted for
That the issuing Commissary deliver to John Davidson 8 hhds
and 3 Tierces or 10 hhds if there are no Tierces.

That the Commissary of Stores deliver to Gustavus Horner of
this State in the Hospital Department 3^ yds Cloth, 3 yds Linen for
lining, 3 yds Shalloon with Trimmings & Linen for 2 Shirts agree-
ably to a Resolve of 17 June 1780. and to Capt. Edwd Prall of Ist
Regt 1 p8 Brittanies in pl of the Article &ca

June 19
Liber C B
No. 23
p. 163

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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780
Volume 43, Page 199   View pdf image (33K)
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