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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780
Volume 43, Page 201   View pdf image (33K)
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of the Council of Maryland. 201

Ordered That the western shore Treasurer pay to Colo Normand
Bruce one hundred and forty six Pounds, five shillings and Eighty
one Pounds due him p Accounts passed by the Depy Aud.

Liber C B
No. 23

[Council to Mr. Thos Donellan]

Sir We wrote you yesterday to receive 200 Barrels of Fish, which
we had purchased of Mr Hudson, we request you will have them care-
fully examined before you receive and send them away

Liber C C

No. 22

p. 118

Thursday 22d June 1780
Present as on yesterday
Ordered That the western shore Treasurer pay to John Wilmot
Two hundred Pounds for the Purpose of defraying his Expences on
an Express to His Excellency Genl Washington on Account.
That the said Treasurer pay to John Smoot Esqr Twenty two
Pounds ten Shillings for the use of Thos Hinks per Acct passed by
the Aud. Genl
That the said Treasurer pay to John Duckett Two hundred and
seventy four Pounds, three shillings Bala of Account passed by the
Depy Aud.
That the Commissary of Stores deliver to Marshall Galloway of
the 3d Regimt 1 shirt & 1 pr Linen Overalls to be charged to said
Comms issued to Zacha Forrest appd Capt, in the room of John
Smith. Zepha Forrest 1 U John Smith junr 2 Lieut. Francis Brookes
Ens. Barton Abell Capt in the room of Ignat9 Abell. Bennett Combs
Capt in the room of John Greenwell, Jas Williams 1 Lt Robt Ford
2d Lt Jno Heard Ens. of the Lower Batt. of Mil8 in Se Mary's County.

Liber C B
No. 23
June 23
p. 164

[Council to Colo Richd Dallam]

Sir The Flour you lately procured at our Request, we desire you
will immediately deliver over to Mr William Smith of Baltimore
Town, for the Use of the Marine of France, and inform us of the

[Council to The Commrs of Harford County]

Gentn We desire to be immediately informed of the exact Quan-
tity of Flour you intend to send to Mr Donnellan, in Consequence of
our Letter of the 15th current, and the Time when Mr Donnellan may
expect it.

Liber C C
No. 22
p. 119

Friday 23d June 1780

Present as on yesterday
Commission of Letters of Marque and Reprisal issued to James
Forbes Commr of the Brig Nisbett 125 Tons burthen, navigated

June 23
Liber C B
No. 23
p. 165

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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780
Volume 43, Page 201   View pdf image (33K)
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