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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780
Volume 43, Page 198   View pdf image (33K)
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198 Journal and Correspondence

Liber C B
No* 23

Corn in the Schooner Truce for the Relief of the Inhabitants of the
said Islands.
Ordered That the western shore Treasurer pay to Elizabeth Sharpe
Fifty one Pounds, ten shillings due her p Acct passed by the D. Aud.
That the Commissary of Stores deliver to Capt. Richard Davis of
the late Rawlings's Regimt a Suit of Cloaths the Allowance by the
late Act of Assy
That the Collector of the Tax for Talbot County pay to Thomas
Skinner appointed by this Board a Recruiting Officer for said County,
three thousand Dollrs to be by him expended in the Recruiting Serv-
ice and Accounted for.

Liber C C

No. 22
p. 117

[Council To the Commrs for seizing Grain]

Gentn Enclosed you have a Copy of an Act for reviving and con-
tinuing certain Powers delegated to the Commissioners under the
late Act to procure an immediate Supply of Flour &ca
The Flour & other Provisions in your Possession are to be con-
veyed with all Expedition to ———— and delivered to — -

[Council to Col Robt. T. Hooe at Alexandria]

Sir Congress have requested us to engage trusty Persons imme-
diately, to ride Expresses from Alexandria to Philadelphia, to for-
ward to them, the Intelligence which may be brought to that Place
from Governor Jefferson. Convinced of your Zeal and Alacrity in
forwarding Measures of public Utility, we do not hesitate in solicit-
ing your Aid on this Occasion; therefore beg you would employ a
fit and trusty Person to be in constant Readiness to receive and bring
forward to this Board with the utmost Expedition, any dispatches
which may be lodged with you by Order of the Governor of Vir-
ginia. Every Expence attending this Business, we will thankfully
pay and are

[Council to Governor Jefferson]

p. 118

Sir Before we were honored with your Excellency's Letter of
the 14th Inst we had, in Pursuance of the Resolution of Congress 5th
established a Line of expresses extending from Young's Ferry on
Patowmack to Philadelphia, and wrote immediately by Post, advis-
ing you of it, and that the Rider at Young's Ferry would be in con-
stant Readiness to receive your Excellency's Commands. To keep
up the Line of Communication already established by you, we have
requested Colo Hooe to procure a trusty Person and Station him at
Alexandria to receive your Dispatches and shall countermand the
Orders, by which we had established a different Line. We shall take
the first Opportunity of forwarding the Letter to the President of

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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780
Volume 43, Page 198   View pdf image (33K)
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