Wednesday 26th April 1780
Present as on yesterday —
Ordered That the western shore Treasurer pay to Lieut Edward
Dyer of the 2nd Maryd Regimt Two thousand Dollars allowed by
the Act relating to the Officers and Soldiers &ca in lieu of the Arti-
cles for the year 1779.
That the said Treasurer pay to John Leypold, sixty thousand Dol-
lars to be delivd over to Capt. George Keeports to be by him ex-
pended in the Purchase of Cloathing for the Army on Acc(
That Capt. George Keeports deliver to Lieut. Edward Dyer of the
2d Regimt 1 piece of Brittanies of the 2nd Quality, Cloth sufft for a
Suit of Cloaths, with Trimmings and 3 yds Shalloon in part of the
Articles allowed by the General Assembly.
April 26
Liber C B
No. 23
p. 144
[Council to Mr. David Poe Q. M.]
Sir We understood the Maryland Troops are at the Head of Elk
and are to call here on their way to the Southward. We have but a
small Quantity of Meat at this Post, and therefore shall be obliged
to you to send by Mr Joseph Middleton, fifty Barrels of Beef; should
he not be able to bring it, by Waggons or other Conveyance,
Liber C C
No. 22
p. 93
[Council to Capt. Geo. p. Keeports]
Sir There are not more than 80,000 Dollars now in the Treasury,
60,000 of which we send you by Mr Leopold for the Purpose of satis-
fying the most hungry, and clamorous of your Creditors, it would
have given us Pleasure to remit the whole Sum you require but that
is out of our Power, the Proportion drawn from our Stock is full
as much as can be spared. We shall take the earliest Opportunity
of supplying you with the Balance. The Time of Payment is rather
nearer at Hand than we had Reason to expect, especially for the
Blankets, either from your former Letter or our Instructions to you
on that Head. The Enclosure is a Copy of a Letter written to you,
by Capt Handy, as he has met with unexpected Delays, it is sent by
this Opportunity, that you may be packing the Cloaths up and pre-
paring them for Delivery; and in Addition to the Articles mentioned
therein, we must desire you will also deliver to Capt. Handy, all the
Camp Kettles and other Camp Equipage you have, except those in
the Hospital
p. 94