[Council to Capt Geo. p. Keeports]
Sir We must request you will deliver to Capt. Levin Handy all
the Cloth &ca for Officers Blankets, Overalls, Shirts and Shoes you
have on Hand, to be brought by him in Mr Middleton's Boat to this
Place, where they may with more Conveniency be distributed among
the Troops of the Maryland Line on their Route to the Southward.
If the Troops now under Innoculation and those you have Reason
shortly to expect to take the Small Pox are not provided with Blank-
ets, you are to retain in your Hands a Number sufficient for the
[Council to Thos Richardson Esqr]
Sir We have Reason to believe by the latest Intelligence received
that the Route of the Troops is changed and that they are to proceed