Liber C B
No. 23
Aoril 27
p. 144
Thursday 27th April 1780.
Present as on Yesterday.
Ordered That Capt. George Keeports deliver to Capt William
Dent Beall of the 6th Regimt Cloth sufp for a Suit of Cloaths, with
Trimmings & 3 yds Shalloon in part of the Articles allowed by the
General Assembly.
That the Commissary of Stores deliver to the said Capt. William
D. Beall. 3 yds. Linen for lining and 2 pair of Stockings in part of
the Articles &ca
That the said Commissary deliver to Capt. Henry Gaither, 4 pr
of Overalls, 3 pr of Stockings, 9 pr shoes & 7 Shirts for the use of
the 1st Regt 2 pr Overalls, 1 pr Stockings, 9 pr shoes & 3 shirts for
the use of the 2d Regimt 3 pr shoes & 1 shirt for the use of the 6th
and 5 pr Shoes & 2 Shirts for the use of the 7th Regiment.
That the said Commissary deliver to William Leslake recruits for
the 7th Regimt a Suit of Cloaths each, the Bounty of Cloathing alld
by the late Act of Assy
That the western shore Treasurer pay to Capt. William Dent
Beall of 6th Regimt three thousand Dollars to be expended in the
Recruiting service & Accounted for.
That the said Treasurer pay to Capt. Robert Berry of the Boat
Plater, one thousand Eight hundred Dollars on Account.
That the said Treasurer pay to Henry Hooper Esqr Two hun-
dred & seventy five Pounds to be delivered over to Richard Bryan
due him per Acct passed by the Aud. Genl
That Mr John Shaw deliver to Capt. Robert Berry of the Plater,
i small Keg of Powder and 4 Doz. Muskett Cartridges.
The State Boat Plater Capt Robert Berry was employed in the
Contl service as a lookout Boat & returned the 24 May.
Commissions issued to Joseph Richardson appointed Lt Colo and
also to Ezekiel Reed appd Captain in the room of Spencer Waters,
in the Upper Battalion of Militia in Dorchester County.
Warrant issued Directed to Como Thomas Grason to impress a
sufficient Number of Vessels with Hands in the Port of Annapolis
(except those employed in carrying Grain & Flour to the Head of
Elk for the use of the Army) to Transport the Troops of the United
States from the Head of Elk and the City of Annapolis, with their
Baggage to the Common Wealth of Virginia to reinforce the