654 Assembly Proceedings, May 1-June 4, 1744.
Black Book
No. 11
Letter No. 4
in the Choice of an Emperor or Chief or be subject in any manner to
them." Then follows the provision that they shall not " suffer any
Indian subject to them to carry a Gun &c]
Black Book
No 5
No. £2
Dorchester |
County | The Examination of Indian Dick aged near thirty year
Taken before me the Subscriber one of Ldship Justices of the Peace
for the afsd Coty (Saith) that he was told by an Indian woman be-
longing to Locus Neck Towne, that the Back Indians to the number
of twenty odd more Came Down in May Last to Chickecone Towne
in order to agree with these Indians to assist them in killing the
English People of this province, and that these Indians Did agree
with them so to Do, and promised to Come Down in Apple time this
Examanant further saith that the Reasons the Indians Came
from Pokeamoke Swamps was because they understood the English
had heard there Dissign against and further Saith not.
Indian X Dick
Taken before me June 29th 1742 mark
Cha. Dickinson
No. 63
Maryland ss | The Examination of Indian Patrick of the Acha-
Dorchester Co. | wamp Nation belonging to Locust neck Town of
Great Choptank River in Dorchester County taken before me one of
his Lordships Justices of the peace for the County aforesaid, Saith
that about the middle of May past he saw at Chicocone Town on
Nanticoke River Twenty three Shawan Indians, and about a fort-
night afterwards the Nanticoke Indians sent for him and the rest of
the Choptank Indians to folow them to a Certain place near Pokea-
moke Swamp where they Came and found all the Somersett County
Indians gathered together, And he was told by the Great men that
the Shawan Indians was to come down some time this present moon
to Joyn them and kill all the English by Surprize in the night but
some days afterwards the Great men were affraid and sent
and another Chicocone Indian to the Shawan Indians to warn them
not to Come down and further saith not
Indian x Patrick
1742 June the 29 Taken before Henry Trippe marke
No. 78
Maryland ss |
Dochester Co. | The Examination of Jacob Pattasahook, one of Nan-
ticoke Indians taken before me one of his Lordships Justices of the
peace for the County aforesaid saith about a month ago this Ex-
aminant was at Coney Town on Susquehana River and was told by
the Indians of said Town that the Senaca and Totra Indians in Con-