or discover any such to Appear or come into this Province without
giving immediate notice thereof to his Excellency the Governour or
some Collo or Magistrate of note by whom the same may be com-
municated with all Expedition to the Governor of this Province for
the time being for his directions therein and if such strange Indian
shall Endeavour to induce them to destroy the White People or do
any Mischief they shall Apprehend & deliver such strange Indian to
the English
11thly That if any disputes shall Arise between the said Chief [s or
their] Subjects and any other Indian Nation in [Maryland that]
they cannot settle between themselves it shall be [referred to] the
Governor and Council
12thly That the English and Indians shall hereafter be as one Peo-
ple and shall Assist each other against all Persons whatsoever that
shall make Warr with or Attack either of them and if either shall
hear that any Persons intend to damage the other Notice shall be
immediately given of the danger
13thly [That as a further Testimony of their League Peace and
Friendship] with his Lordship the Lord Proprietor of this Province
and expect Protection from him & his Government that the said
Chiefs and their Successors shall pack and deliver unto the Collo of
Dorchester County for the Lord Proprietary his heirs & Successors
two Bows and two dozen of Arrows Yearly upon the tenth Day of
October as an Acknowledgement of his Lordships Dominion Over
them and as a Pledge of Peace also In Confirmation whereof his
Excellency Samuel Ogle Esqr Governor in Chief of the Province on
behalf of his said Lordship and John Coursey and Chinehopper
.... on behalf of themselves and the Indians under their Subjec-
tion have signed hereto in presence of his Lordships Council and of
several of the Great Men of the Indians the day and Year abovemen-
tioned and the Great Seal of this Province is hereunto Affixed
Sam: Ogle
The mark } of John Coursey
The mark C of John Chinehopper
[A similar treaty much torn is found in Black Book 11 No 7 be-
tween Gov. Ogle and Chiefs Simon and Captain Job (both marks-
men) on behalf of the Broad Creek Indian Towns. The treaty
differs from the one just given in that the 4th Article contained a lost
provision as to " the Choice of an Emperour," and that in the last
Article the annual tribute was to be paid to " the Collo of Somerset
County." A third treaty also considerably torn is found in Black
Book 11 No. 7 between Gov. Ogle and Chiefs Bastobell, John Wit-
toneris, Jeremy Peake and George Rokahaurn on behalf of the
Assateague and Pocomoke Towns. Here tribute was to be paid to
the Collo of Somerset County and the opening part of the 5th Article
is " that the said Chiefs shall never Join with the Nanticoke Indians
Black Book
No. 11
Letter No. 4