Appendix. 655
junction and by the advice of the french had agreed to Cut of the
English Inhabitants in Pensylvania Maryland and other adjacent
parts of this Continent and the Indians in Somersett and Dorsett
County and to that End the Senaca Indians were soon to go to Phila-
delphia to Dispose of some part of the Lands for Arms and Ammu-
nition and haveing so done the Senaca, Totra, and other Indians were
in roasten Ear and Apple time to fall upon the Back Inhabitants and
at the Same time the french who was to come by Sea, were to Land
on the Sea bond side of Somersett County in order to meet the said
Indians, and further this Examinat Saith not,
June the 30th 1742 Jacob [c Pattasahook
Certified by Henry Trippe marke
Black Book
No. 5
Letter No. 78
The Examination of Sam Isaac one of the Chicacoan Indians
taken by me Henry Hooper one of his Lordships Justices of the Pro-
vincial Court. This Examinant saith that when the several nations
of our Indians met at the place called Winnisoccum he heard Sam
Panquash Dixon Coursey Capt John the Indian River Queen and a
Colonel of the Queens, an Indian River Doctor, and one Simon of
broad Creek, say that they had made an Agreement with the Shawan
Indians (who were to be Assisted with the Seneca Indians) to Kill
all the white People of Maryland, and that the Indians of those parts
were to Joyn our Own Indians in a Short time at Broad creek in or-
der to cut off the English in Somerset and Dorset Counties
Taken the Ist Day July 1742 Sam > Isaac
by Henry Hooper mark
No. 64
Maryland ss.
The Examination of Jamey Cohank, taken by me Henry Hooper
one of his Lordships Justices of the Provincial Court. This Exami-
nant Saith that some time in May last to the number of twenty three
of the Shawan Indians came down to Chicacoan Town and that he
this Examinant often observ'd that Panquash and Dixon Coursey
held private conferrances with the War Captain of the Shawan In-
dians, for two nights together; And that within a few Dayes after
the Shawan Indians went away, Dixon Coursey went over to a place
called Winnasoccum, and two Days after that Panquash followed
him to the same Place where they gathered all the Nations of our
Indians together, and this Examinat further saith That he has under-
stood by several Indians since they return'd from Winnasoccum, that
the whole design of their meeting there was to Join the Shawan In-
dians, in distroying the English. James Cohonk
Taken the first Day of July 1742 by Henry Hooper
No. 86