Black Book
No. 11
Letter No. 4
clear Ground and lay down their Arms whether Guns Bows & Ar-
rows or other Weapons & [move a] distance from them that any
English Man that shall Appear upon their call may take them up
and in Case that no one Appears that they shall leave their said
Arms if they come nearer & afterwards call aloud to give notice to
the English of their nearer Approach & if any English Man shall
kill an Indian that shall come unpainted and give notice & deliver
up his Arms as aforesaid he shall dye for it as well as an Indian that
shall kill an English Man and in case the Indians and English meet
Accidentally in the Woods every Indian shall be bound immediately
to throw down his Arms upon call & move from them and if an In-
dian meeting an English Man shall refuse to throw down his Arms
upon call as aforesaid he shall be deemed an Enemy and treated as
4thly That the said Chiefs shall never claim any Jurisdiction over
the Indians of any other Town in Maryland nor shall they suffer any
Indian Subject to them to carry a Gun without Licence from his
Excellency the Governor of Maryland and if any Indian shall be
found with a Gun without such Licence he shall forfeit his Gun and
be treated as an Enemy
5thly The Priviledge of Crabbing fowling Hunting & Fishing
shall be Preserved to the Indians Inviolably
gthiy That every Indian that killeth or stealeth an hogg Calf or
other Beast [or any] other goods shall undergoe the same Punish-
ment that an English Man doth for the like Offence
7thly If any Servants or Slaves runaway from their Masters to
any of the Indian Towns within the Territories of the said Chiefs
their Subjects shall be bound to Apprehend the said Fugitives and
convey them to the next English Plantation to be carried to their
Masters and if any Indian aforesaid shall Convey or Assist any such
Fugitives in their flight out of this Province he shall make the Re-
spective Master or Mistress of such Servants or Slaves such Satis-
faction as an Englishman ought to do in the like Case
8thly That the said Chiefs shall not make any Peace with our
Enemys nor shall make Warr without the consent of the Governor
of this Province for the time being and if they or any of their Sub-
jects shall kill or hurt Jamy Small hominy or any Indian who hath
lately confessed a Conspiracy against the English the Guilty person
or persons shall be delivered up to be punished with death
9thly That if the said Chiefe or any Indians Subject to them shall
kill any Indians or any other in Peace and Amity with the Lord
Propry it shall be Esteemed as great an Offence as killing an English
10thly That neither the said Chiefs or any of the Indians under
their Subjection shall at any time hereafter keep or entertain among
them or wthin their Fort any Forreign or strange Indian or know