Acts. 603
to the Government appointed by Law, and also that he the said
James Richard is hereby enabled to Maintain Prosecute Avow Jus-
tify and defend all and all manner of Actions Suits Plaints Pleas and
other demands whatsoever within this Province as liberally frankly
freely fully lawfully and securely as if the said James Richard had
been his said Majestys natural Born Subject and Liege Person any
Law Statute Usage or Custom to the Contrary in any wise notwith-
B. L. C.
An Act impowering the Justices of Prince George's County, to levy
on the taxable Inhabitants of Queen Anne's Parish in the said
County, the Sum of Two Hundred Pounds Current Money, for
the Uses therein mentioned.
Chapter XI.
p. 9
Whereas, the Vestry-men of Queen Anne's Parish in Prince
George's County, have by their humble Petition to this General As-
sembly set forth, that their Parish Church and Chapel want sundry
Repairs, and that the said Chapel is too small to accommodate their
Parishioners in a decent Manner, and that it was thought necessary
to enlarge it; and have humbly prayed that an Act may pass, that
Two Hundred Pounds Current Money may be levied upon the tax-
able Persons of the said Parish, for those Purposes, by Two equal
Be it therefore Enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Pro-
prietary, by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's
Governor, and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the
Authority of the same, That the Justices of Prince George's County,
shall and may, and they are hereby authorized and empowered, on
the Application of the said Vestry-men and Church-Wardens, to
assess and levy upon the taxable Inhabitants of the said Parish the
aforesaid Two Hundred Pounds, at Two equal Assessments; which
said Sum of Two Hundred Pounds shall be collected by the Sheriff
of the said County, who is hereby authorized and directed to collect
the same, and who shall have for such Collection, at and after the
Rate of Five Pounds per Centum: and the said Money, when so col-
lected, shall be paid to the said Vestry and Church-Wardens, who
200 l. to be
levied on the
of Q. Anne's
Parish, in
P. George's
County, for
and enlarg-
ing the
Church and
are hereby authorized and required to apply the same towards re-
pairing the said Parish Church, and building an Addition to the
Chapel, and repairing the same, in such Manner as to the Vestry-
men and Church- Wardens of the said Parish, for the Time being,
shall seem most just and reasonable.
p. 10
An Act empowering the Justices of Prince George's County, to levy
on the taxable Inhabitants of King George's Parish in the said
County, the Sum of Two Hundred and Fifty Pounds Current
Money, for the Uses therein mentioned.
Chap. XII.
Whereas, sundry Inhabitants of King George's Parish, in Prince
George's County, have by their humble Petition to this General As-