420 Assembly Proceedings, Sept. 21-Oct. 29, 1742.
and Received, shall pay and deliver to the aforesaid Mr. William
Hamilton, Mr. Christopher Gist. Mr. Samuel Owings, Mr. Christo-
pher Randall, and Mr. Nicholas Hayles, or the major Part, of them,
on or before the First Day of August in every Year wherein such
Assessment shall be made, to and for the Compleating and Finish-
ing the Chappel aforesaid, and to or for no other Use, Intent or Pur-
pose whatsoever.
to be
And be it further Enacted by the Authority, Advice and Consent
aforesaid, That the said Mr. William Hamilton, Mr. Christopher
Gist, Mr. Samuel Owings, Mr. Christopher Randall. and Mr. Nicho-
las Hayles, or the major Part of them, shall be, and are hereby
obliged, to render a fair and just Account to the Vestry of the said
Parish for the Time being, of the Money, Tobacco, and other Goods
and Effects so as aforesaid raised by voluntary Contributions, as also
for all such Sum or Sums of Money as shall in Manner and for the
P. 34
Uses and Purposes aforesaid, be by the said County Court Assessed,
and by the Sheriff Paid to them for the Uses and Purposes aforesaid,
and how the same have been disposed of and applied: And if upon
a final Account thereof there shall appear to be a Balance due from
the said Mr. William Hamilton, Mr. Christopher Gist, Mr. Samuel
Owings, Mr. Christopher Randall, and Mr. Nicholas Hayles, after
Purchasing the said Land, and Building and Finishing the Chappel
aforesaid, that then and in such case, they the said Mr. William
Hamilton, Mr. Christopher Gist, Mr. Samuel Owings, Mr. Christo-
pher Randall, and Mr. Nicholas Hayles, them, or any of them, are
hereby directed and required to pay such Balance to the Vestry of the
said Parish for the Time being, to be applied by the said Vestry to-
wards defraying the Charges of the said Parish.
And whereas it is also by the said Petition represented to this
General Assembly, that the Parish aforesaid is very large, and at
present affords near Sixty Thousand Pounds of Tobacco per Annum
to the Reverend Benedict Bourdillon the present Incumbent, and
that the Hundred of Soldiers Delight, and Back River upper Hun-
dred, at present in the said Parish, are very extensive, and contain
upwards of Five Hundred Taxable Persons; It was therefore prayed
that it might be Enacted, That after the Death or Translation of the
present Incumbent, the said Hundred of Soldiers Delight, and Back
River upper Hundred, be divided from the present Parish of
St. Pauls, into a separate Parish.
Be it therefore Enacted by the Authority, Advice and Consent
aforesaid, That immediately from and after the Death or Transla-
tion, which shall first happen, of the aforesaid Benedict Bourdillon,
the present Incumbent of St. Paul's Parish, the aforesaid Hundred
St. Paul's
Parish to be
of Soldiers Delight, and Back River upper Hundred, be, and are
hereby separated and taken from the aforesaid Parish of St. Paul,
and be Erected into a new Parish by the Name of St. Thomas Parish,