Acts. 419
same might not be sufficient to carry on so religious a Design, it was
therefore Prayed that it might be Enacted,
And be it Enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary,
by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's Governor, and
the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the Authority of the
same, That from and after the End of this present Session of Assem-
bly, it shall and may be lawful for Mr. William Hamilton, Mr. Chris-
topher Gist, Mr. Samuel Owings, Mr. Christopher Randall, and
Mr. Nicholas Hayles, of the Parish aforesaid, and they, or the major
Part of them, are hereby directed, impowered and appointed to col-
lect and receive from all or any of the Parishioners of the said Parish,
all, and every Sum and Sums of Money, Tobacco, and other Goods
and Effects which all or any of the Parishioners shall freely and
to receive
Building a
voluntarily give and bestow, and the same to appropriate and apply
for and towards the Uses and Purposes in this Act mentioned, and
for or towards no other Use, Intent and Purpose whatsoever.
And be it further Enacted by the Authority, Advice and Consent
aforesaid, That the aforesaid Mr. William Hamilton, Mr. Christo-
pher Gist, Mr. Samuel Owings, Mr. Christopher Randall, and
Mr. Nicholas Hayles, or the major Part of them, may, and are hereby
impowered to Purchase of any Person or Persons, who shall be will-
ing to dispose of the same, a piece of Land not exceeding Two Acres,
in such Place as they shall think convenient, and thereon shall and
may Erect and Build, or cause to be Erected and Built, a Chappel of
Ease for the Forest Inhabitants, and such others as shall chuse to
resort thither, the Cost, Charge and Expence of which Purchase and
Building as aforesaid, shall, and are hereby directed to be paid for,
borne, and defrayed, by and out of the Money, Tobacco, and other
p. 33
Goods and Effects aforesaid, raised or to be raised by the voluntary
Contributions of the Parishioners as aforesaid, or so far forth as
the same shall extend unto. And in case the voluntary Contributions
aforesaid, should not amount to a sufficient Sum for Defraying the
Charges aforesaid, that then, and in such case, it shall and may be
lawful to and for the Justices of Baltimore County Court for the
Time being, at the instance and request of the Vestry of the said
Parish, or the major Part of them, for the Time being, to the said
Court signified in Writing, in the November Court to be held for
that Year wherein the Request aforesaid, in manner aforesaid, shall
be made, to Assess on the Taxable Inhabitants of the said Parish, any
Sum of Money not exceeding the Sum of One Hundred Thirty Three
Pounds Six Shillings and Eight Pence Current Money, in any one
Assessment, nor for more than Three Assessments, and shall direct,
and the Sheriff of the County aforesaid is hereby impowered and
required to Levy, Collect and Receive, in such manner, and for such
Salary, as other Parish Charges are Levied, Collected and Received,
all and every such Assessment or Assessments so as aforesaid on the
Parishioners aforesaid imposed, and the same so Levied, Collected
If the
tions prove
for the
then a Sum
to be