Acts. 421
and the Two Hundreds aforesaid, shall, from and after that of the
Two Contingencies aforesaid, which shall first happen, by virtue of
this Act, be deemed, adjudged, reputed and taken for St. Thomas
Parish, and not as part or parcel of St. Paul's Parish aforesaid, and
that the Inhabitants of the said St. Thomas Parish shall have and
enjoy all Benefits and Privileges, Power and Authorities, in every
respect, equal with any Inhabitants of any other Parish within this
Province: And further giving to the Freeholders of St. Thomas
Parish aforesaid, at a certain Day to be by them appointed, after the
falling of either of the said Contingencies, which shall first happen,
full and ample Power to Elect and make Choice of the number of
Six select Vestry-men, and Two Church-wardens, and the same to
alter and renew at such Times and in such Manner as former Laws
of this Province do direct.
Provided always, and it is hereby Enacted by the Authority, Ad-
vice and Consent aforesaid, That the Chappel herein before directed
to be Built, shall be Erected and Built in such Place as to them the
said William Hamilton, Christopher Gist, Samuel Owings, Christo-
pher Randall and Nicholas Hayles, or the major Part of them, shall
seem meet and convenient, and so as to answer the convenience of
the said intended Parish of St. Thomas, and not elsewhere, and
that the Chappel aforesaid shall be Erected and Built sufficiently
large, and shall, on the falling of either of the Contingencies afore-
said, which shall first happen, be, and become, and be deemed, taken
and used, as the Parish Church of the Parish of St. Thomas afore-
said, and to and for no other Use, Intent or Purpose whatsoever; any
thing herein before contained to the contrary thereof in any wise not-
p. 35
An Act for Relief of Honor Hugell, Susanna Murray, Catharine
Brett, John Lumley, George Jenkins, and Anthony Hill, lan-
guishing Prisoners in Anne-Arundel County Goal; Thomas
Brown, Robert Evans, and Robert Brashiers, languishing Prison-
ers in Prince George's County Goal; Paul Busey, a languishing
Prisoner in Calvert County Goal; John Mitchell, and Charles
Cannon, languishing Prisoners in Talbot County Goal; Samuel
Peck, and Edmund Melton, languishing Prisoners in Queen-
Anne's County Goal; Francis Tate, George Russel, and William
Willoughby James, languishing Prisoners in Somerset County
Goal; Robert Walmsley, a languishing Prisoner in St. Mary's
County Goal; Solomon Trener, and Garret Corbert, languishing
Prisoners in Ctzcil County Goal; and John West, and William
Clements, junior, languishing prisoners in Charles County Goal.
Chap. XVI.
Whereas the said Honor Hugell, Susanna Murray, Catharine
Brett, John Lumley, George Jenkins, Anthony Hill, Thomas Brown,
Robert Evans, Robert Brashiers, Paul Busey, John Mitchell, Charles