418 Assembly Proceedings, Sept. 21-Oct. 29, 1742.
B. L.C
Prayed Relief and it appearing by the Affidavit of the aforesaid
Alexander Buncle endorsed on the same deed, as well that the mat-
ters as aforesaid set forth are true as that the petitioner hath Bona
fide paid the sum of Twenty five pounds Sterling Money as a Con-
sideration for the Lot aforesaid Be it Enacted by the Right Honour-
able the Lord Proprietary by and with the Advice and Consent of
his Lordships Governor and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assem-
bly and the Authority of the same that the Clerk of Somerset County
aforesaid shall and may, and is hereby Authorized and Required to
Receive the deed aforesaid from the aforesaid James Martin and the
same to Enter of Record amongst the Records of the same County
together with the Acknowledgment Affidavit aforesaid and the Re-
ceipt for the Alienation Fine thereon Endorsed and made and that
the same deed being so Recorded and Entred shall and is hereby
declared and Enacted to be good, and Valid and in full force power
and Virtue in Law, and that the Estate of the same James Martin
of and in the same Lott Granted or mentioned, and Intended by the
said Deed to be to him Granted shall and is hereby Invested and
Confirmed in and to the same James as fully and amply to all Intents
and purposes as if the deed aforesaid with the Acknowledgment
thereof had been recorded within six months after the Date thereof
the Neglect or Omission of Recording the same According to the
time Limitted by the Act of Assembly aforesaid or any other matter
or thing to the Contrary Notwithstanding Saving to his most Sacred
Majesty his heirs and Successors to the Right Honourable the Lord
Proprietary his heirs and Successors and to all Bodys Politick and
Corporate and all persons not mentioned in this Act their Several
and Respective Rights.
p. 32
Chap. XV.
An Act to enable the Justices of Baltimore County Court to Assess
and Levy on the Taxable Inhabitants of St. Paul's Parish in the
said County, a quantity of Money for the Uses and Purposes
therein mentioned, and also to Divide the said Parish, and for
erecting Part thereof into a new one.
Whereas it is represented to this General Assembly by a Petition
from the Rector, Vestry-men, Church-wardens, and other the In-
habitants of the Parish of St. Paul, in Baltimore County, that the
Church of the said Parish stands very inconvenient to a great Part
of the Parishioners of the said Parish, and especially to the Forest
Inhabitants thereof, who could not without difficulty attend the said
Church as frequently as they ought, by reason of the distance of
more than Thirty Miles which many of them Live from the said
Church. And whereas it is also by the said Petition represented,
that many of the Parishioners of the said Parish had agreed upon
a voluntary Subscription for the Purchasing a piece of Land in a con-
venient Place, and Building a Chappel of Ease thereon, and lest the