Acts. 417
by the aforesaid Commissioners, or the major Part of them, and after
the same is compleated, shall be lodged with, and delivered to the
Clerk of the same County, to be by him kept amongst the Records
of the same County.
And be it further Enacted, That the said Commissioners, or the
major Part of them, shall limit and ascertain what Fees their Clerk
aforesaid shall take and receive for the several Services by him to
be done by virtue of this Act, to be paid by the several Persons taking
up the Lots as aforesaid.
And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That all and
every Person and Persons taking up and possessing the Lots afore-
p. 32
said, or any of them, shall be, and are hereby obliged to pay unto
the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary, his Heirs or Assigns,
the yearly Rent of One Penny, Current Money of England, for each
respective Lot by them so taken up and possessed, to be paid in the
same manner as his Lordship's Land-Rents of this Province now are
or hereafter shall be paid.
Saving to his most Sacred Majesty, his Heirs, and Successors, the
Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary, his Heirs, and Successors,
and to all Bodies Politic and Corporate, and all Persons not men-
tioned in this Act, their several and respective Rights; any Thing
in this Act to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding.
Rent, 1 d
Sterl. per
An Act to Impower and Direct the Clerk of Somerset County to
Enter and Record among the said County Records a Deed of
Bargain and Sale from John Martin to James Martin of a Lott of
Land therein mentioned.
Whereas James Martain of Somerset County by his Petition to
this General Assembly has set forth that on the first Day of October
Anno Domini One Thousand Seven hundred and forty he purchased
of John Martin a Lot of Ground in Snow Hill Town in the same
Chap. XIV.
B. L. C.
p. 257
County Called a Lot (Number Eleven) and had the same Conveyed
to him in Fee by the said John by a Deed of Bargain and Sale bearing
Date the same Day aforesaid which Deed the said John According
to Act of Assembly in such Case provided Acknowledged before
Two Justices of the same County on the day of the date thereof and
that within two Weeks after the Date of the same Deed he the Peti-
tioner Delivered the same to a Certain Alexander Buncle to be by
him Delivered to the Clerk of the same County in order to be Re-
corded in the Records of that County According to the Directions
of the Act of Assembly aforesaid but that the said Alexander Buncle
having forgot to Deliver the same kept the said deed in his posses-
sion till after the Expiration of above seven months from the date
thereof, and that the aforesaid John Martin immediately after the
Execution of the said deed left this province went to and still Con-
tinues, in parts beyond sea, whereby the same is become Defective,
for want of being Recorded in time, wherein the said petitioner
p. 258