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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1740-1744
Volume 42, Page 409   View pdf image (33K)
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Acts. 409

Fees and Perquisites of the same Offices, are and shall be hereby
obliged to renew such Security when required as aforesaid.
Provided always, and be it likewise Enacted and Declared by and
with the Authority, Advice, and Consent aforesaid, That when and
as often as any of the Bond or Bonds to be given by virtue of this


Act, shall be Sued, and Judgment on them or any of them rendered,
that the Penalties in such Bond or Bonds, or any Part thereof, shall
not be applied to any other Use than the making good the Damage
which may be suffered by the Public, Counties, or private Person or
Persons, according to the true Intent and Meaning of this and the
former Act in that case made and Provided.

how ap-

An Act for laying out the Town a-new commonly called Snowhill-
Town, in Somerset County.

Chapter XI.

Whereas there was formerly laid out in Somerset County on
Pocomoke River, a Town, commonly called Snow-hill-Town, con-
taining One Hundred Acres of Land, the Bounds whereof are very
uncertain, and the Improvements very much hindered by reason that
all the Lots were not taken up and improved in Time. And whereas
it is represented to this General Assembly, that the said Town is very
commodious for Trade, and several People desirous to settle in the
same could they be well secured in their Lots.
Be it Enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary, by
and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's Governor, and the
Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the Authority of the


same, That Mr. Isaac Morris, Capt. William Lane, Mr. Thomas
Hayward, Capt. John Scott, Mr. Alexander Buncle, Mr. Isaac
Marshall, and Mr. William Selby, or the major Part of them, be,
and are hereby appointed Commissioners, and are by virtue of this
Act authorized and impowered, to Survey and Lay out the same
One Hundred Acres, formerly laid out for a Town on Pocomoke
River in Somerset County by the Name of Snow-hill-Town, as
agreeable as conveniently may be to the original Survey thereof
when first laid out for a Town.
And be it further Enacted, That the same Commissioners, or the
major Part of them, be, and are hereby impowered and required,
at any Time, by them the said Commissioners or the major Part of
them, to be appointed before the Twentieth Day of December next
ensuing this present Session of Assembly, to meet at the same Town,
and call and take to their Assistance the Surveyor of Somerset
County, or such other Person skilful In Surveying, as the said Com-

named to
lay out

missioners, or the major Part of them, shall think fit to chuse, and
then and there carefully Survey and Lay out the same One Hundred
Acres into as many convenient Lots as were heretofore in the said
Town laid out, marked and numbred i, 2, and so to One Hundred,
with the same Streets, Allies and Lanes as formerly laid out in the
said Town.

p. 25

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1740-1744
Volume 42, Page 409   View pdf image (33K)
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