410 Assembly Proceedings, Sept. 21-Oct. 29, 1742.
Survey of
the Town
to be made
as near the
Original as
And be it further Enacted, That the said Commissioners shall
cause, and make the same Survey to be made, as near as possible
they can, agreeable to the original Survey of the said Town, and
shall set up Posts, Stakes, or such other Boundaries, as to them
shall seem meet, to settle and distinguish the same Survey for ever ;
always having Regard as near as may be to the aforesaid original
Survey thereof, and the Lots already improved and built upon as
And be it further Enacted, That the same Land so surveyed and
Name of
the Town.
laid out, and distinguished, shall be, and is hereby made and erected
into a Town, and shall be called by the Name of Snow-Hill-Town.
And be it further Enacted, That the Owners and Possessors of any
Lots not
built upon
within Two
Years, to
return to
the first
of the Lots formerly taken up in the said Town, not already built
upon, shall, and are hereby required to erect and build upon such
Lot, or Lots, within Two Years after the Survey to be made as afore-
said, and a Record thereof made and entred according to the Direc-
tions of this Act, one House that shall cover Four Hundred square
Feet of Ground, with one Brick Chimney at least, and if any such
Owner or Owners of such Lots as aforesaid, neglect or refuse to
build as aforesaid, then and in such Case, the Right, Title and
Property of such Owner or Owners to such Lot or Lots, at the
Expiration of the said Two Years, shall cease and determine, and
the same Lot or Lots become the Right and Property of the Proprie-
tor of the said Town-Land, in as full and ample Manner as if the
same had never been Sold or Conveyed.
Provided, That the Owner or Owners of such Lot or Lots be not
under Age, beyond the Seas, or out of this Province, at the Time of
such Survey and Record, and Entry thereof as aforesaid, in either of
which Cases, such Owner or Owners shall have the Liberty to im-
prove and build on the said Lot or Lots as aforesaid, at any Time
within Two Years after such Owner or Owners arriving to his or
their Age of Twenty-one Years, or returning into this Province.
And be it Enacted, That the said Commissioners, or the major
Part of them, shall, and are hereby required and impowered to nomi-
nate and appoint some sufficient and skilful Person to be their Clerk,
who shall make a fair Record and Entry of all the Proceedings of
the said Commissioners, in a sufficient Book to be provided for that
Purpose, to whom the Surveyor shall be obliged to deliver a fair
Plat of the said Lots, to be surveyed as aforesaid, which Clerk, and
his Successors, shall transmit to the Clerk of Somerset County the
whole Proceedings of the said Commissioners, together with the
said Plat, to be lodged amongst the County Records, which Pro-
ceedings the Clerk of the County is hereby required to take Charge of.
And be it further Enacted, That the said Commissioners shall, and
and Clerk's
are hereby impowered and required to ascertain what Fee or Fees
the Surveyor aforesaid shall have for his Trouble, in making the