408 Assembly Proceedings, Sept. 2i-Oct. 29, 1742.
istrators shall surrender and deliver up, or cause to be surrendered
and delivered up, to the next Person who shall succeed him in the
said Office, all the Papers and Record Books now being in
the said Office, in good Order and Repair, as also all such
other Papers and Record Books which shall be by him added in like
good Order and Repair, with the Records and Entries faithfully,
legally and truly made up and entred during the Time he hath offi-
ciated in the said Office, without Favour or Affection, but
according to the Truth, the nature of the Thing, and the Duty of
his Office, and all other the Duties of his said Office legally, duly,
and faithfully shall Discharge, according to Law, and the true Intent
and Meaning of the Act of Assembly in such cases made and pro-
vided, that then the above Obligation to be void and of none effect,
or else to be and remain in full Force and Virtue in Law.
How the
said Bonds
are to be
proved, &c.
And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the
said Bonds shall be Passed, Proved, Recorded and Sued in the same
Manner and Form as directed by the afore-mentioned recited Act
for Repairing the Damages already sustained in the Records of the
Land, Secretary's, Commissary's, and County Court, Offices, and for
Security of the same Records for the future, and likewise that Copies
of such Bonds, attested under the Hand and Seal of the Office of
either the Clerk of the Provincial or County Courts, shall be good
Evidence in Law to maintain any Action of Debt to be brought for
any Breach or Breaches of the Condition aforesaid, according to the
direction of the said Act, and that likewise the Sureties be subject
to the Proviso in the said Act.
The Bonds
and Sure-
ties of the
Clerks to be
renewed, if
the Justices
see Cause.
Be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That as often as
the several and respective Justices of the several and respective
County Courts within this Province shall see cause, they shall oblige
the several and respective Clerks of the Counties aforesaid, to renew
such Bonds with other Sureties, where they Disapprove the Ability
or Sufficiency of such Sureties from Time to Time as the nature of
the case may require, and the said Clerks respectively are hereby
obliged in such case to renew such Security, to the Approbation of
the respective Justices aforesaid.
Provided also, That where the Public or County shall Sue the
aforesaid Bond, that neither shall be burthened with Costs.
And be it further Enacted by the Authority, Advice, and Consent
aforesaid, That as often as the Provincial Justices for the Time
being shall see cause, they shall and may oblige the Secretary, Com-
missary-General, Register in Chancery, Register in the Land-Office,
p. 24
or whoever shall receive the Fees and Perquisites of the said Offices
respectively, to renew such Bond or Bonds with other Surety or
Justices may
require new
Sureties of
the Secre-
tary, &c.
Sureties, where they Disapprove the Ability or Sufficiency of such
Securities from Time to Time as the nature of the case shall require,
and the said Secretary, Commissary-General, Register in Chancery,
Register in the Land-Office, or whosoever shall have and receive the