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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1740-1744
Volume 42, Page 407   View pdf image (33K)
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Arts. 407

Person who shall be appointed to Receive the Fees of the same Land-
Office, or the several and respective County Clerks within this Prov-
ince, their Deputies, Officers, or Under-Clerks, who shall have the
Keeping of the said Secretary's, Chancery, Commissary's, Land, or
County Court, Offices, committed to them, to take upon themselves
the Keeping any of the said Records, or to receive or apply to their
use any of the Fees, Profits or Benefits arising or to arise from their
said several and respective Offices, until such Secretary, Register in
Chancery, Commissary-General, Register in the Land-Office, or the
Person or Persons to whom the Care and Keeping of the said Land-
Office is or shall be committed, by what Denomination soever he or
they may or shall be called, and the said several and respective County
Clerks within this Province, or such County Clerks as shall hereafter
be appointed, whether for any Counties now being, or which shall
hereafter be laid out, appointed, or nominated, have entred into Bond,
with two good able and sufficient Sureties, being Persons of visible
and landed Estates within this Province, in the Name of the Lord
Proprietary, that is to say, the Secretary for the Provincial Office
in the Sum of Three Thousand Pounds Current Money, the same
Secretary, Register in Chancery, or whoever receives the Profit and
Benefit of the Fees accruing in the Chancery Office, in the Sum of
One Thousand Pounds Current Money; the Commissary-General
for the Commissary's Office in the Sum of Three Thousand Pounds
Current Money; the Register of the Land-Office, or by whatever
other Denomination the Person or Persons is, are, or shall be called,
to whom the said Office and Perquisites is, are or shall be committed,
in the Sum of Three Thousand Pounds Current Money; and the
several and respective County Clerks within this Province, now
being, or who shall hereafter be nominated or appointed respectively,
whether of Counties now laid out or appointed, or of Counties which
hereafter shall be laid out and appointed, in the Sum of One Thou-
sand Pounds Current Money: All which Bonds respectively shall be
Conditioned as follows,


The Condition of the above Obligation is such, That if the above
bounden whilst he shall continue in the Office of shall
at his own proper Cost and Charge, find a supply of good and suffi-
cient Record Books, necessary for the Entring up of all Matters and
Things relating to such Office, and shall and will make, or

of the Bond.

Cause to be made and entred, true, legal, and perfect Records and
Entries, according to the truth and nature of the Matter or Thing
requiring to be Entred or Recorded, and shall duly and carefully
look after, sustain, preserve, repair and maintain all the several
Books, Papers and Records, now being and remaining in the said
Office, as also all those that from Time to Time, during his continu-
ance in the said Office, shall be added thereunto, in such manner as that
in case of Death, or that he shall be legally dismissed from officiating
longer in the said Office, he the said his Executors or Admin-

p. 23

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1740-1744
Volume 42, Page 407   View pdf image (33K)
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