406 Assembly Proceedings, Sept. 21-Oct. 29, 1742.
Parish, or the major Part of them, for the Time being, at the usual
Time of paying other Collections yearly, to be applied as aforesaid.
Five per
Cent, al-
lowed the
Sheriff for
And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the
Sheriff for his Collection and Payment as aforesaid, shall be allowed
at the rate of Five Pounds in the Hundred for what he shall so Col-
lect, and no more, to be Levied as aforesaid, over and above the said
Sums for the Building and Finishing the Church aforesaid.
Chapter X.
1716 Ch. I]
A supplementary Act to the Act entituled, An Act for Repairing the
Damages already sustained in the Records of the Land, Secre-
tary's, Commissary's, and County Court Offices, and for Security
of the same Records for the future.
Whereas the Inhabitants of this Province have been at great Ex-
pence and Charge in Repairing, Amending and Compleating the
Records of the Land, Secretary's, Chancery, Commissary's, and
County Court, Offices, and that on the well and safe Keeping of
which Records, and such as hereafter shall be entred and made,
greatly depend the Fortunes, Interest and Estates of the People of
this Province. And whereas it is not only necessary and requisite
that the Books for Entring and Recording in, should be good and
well bound, but that likewise true and legal Entries and Records
be entred and made by the several and respective Officers and Clerks
holding the said Offices, their Servants, Clerks or Under-Writers.
And whereas so great a Part of the Estates and Interest of the good
People of Maryland, depend on the faithful and due Execution of
the Trust committed and to be committed to the respective Officers
and Clerks in the said several and respective Offices, and that it does
not appear to this General Assembly, that the Penalty in the Bonds
to be given by the several and respective Officers and Clerks by direc-
tion of the said Act for Repairing the Damages already sustained
in the Records of the Land, Secretary's, Commissary's, and County
Court, Offices, and for security of the same Records for the future,
is equal to the Trust reposed in them, or the great Share and Interest
p. 22
which the People or Right have in the same Records, nor that the
said Bond is for the due Execution of the Offices of the said respec-
tive Officers and Clerks in relation to the making true, lawful and
faithful Entries and Records according to the Intention of the same
Act, as appears, and on which depends intirely the Usefulness of the
same Records.
Be it therefore Enacted, by the Right Honourable the Lord Pro-
&c. to give
Security for
the due Per-
of their
prietary, by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's
Governor, and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the
Authority of the same, That from and after the last Day of March,
which shall be in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hun-
dred and Forty-three, it shall not be lawful for the Secretary, Regis-
ter in Chancery, Commissary, Register of the Land-Office, or other