Acts. 405
may be paid by the Inhabitants of this Province in Current Money,
at the rate of Ten Shillings per Hundred, in the same manner as
other Public and County Levies and Charges are payable.
This Act to continue for Three Years, and unto the End of the
next Session of Assembly, that shall happen after the End of the
said Three Years.
An Act enabling the Justices of Caecil County, to Levy on the Tax-
able Inhabitants of St. Mary Anne's Parish in the County afore-
said, the Sum of Eight Hundred Pounds.
Chapter IX.
Whereas the Rector, Vestry-men, Church-wardens, and several
other the Inhabitants of said Parish, have, by their humble Petition
to this General Assembly, set forth, That the Church of said Parish,
being Built of Wood, is much decayed and dangerous to be in, and
that for several Years past has been very expensive to the Parish-
ioners, and therefore humbly prayed Leave to bring in a Bill En-
abling and Directing the Justices of said County to Levy on the
Taxable Inhabitants of the said Parish, any Sum of Money not ex-
ceeding Eight Hundred Pounds Current Money of Maryland, in
such manner as should be thought most convenient for Erecting,
Building, and Finishing a new Brick Church in the said Parish, in
the same Place where the old one now stands.
Be it therefore Enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Pro-
prietary, by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's Gov-
ernor, ' and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the
Authority of the same, That the Justices of said County for the Time
being, do and shall Levy on the Taxable Inhabitants of said Parish,
the Sum of Eight Hundred Pounds Current Money of Maryland,
in manner following, that is to say, In November Court Seventeen
Hundred and Forty-two, the Sum of Two Hundred Sixty-six Pounds
Thirteen Shillings and Four Pence; in November Court Seventeen
Hundred and Forty-three the like Sum, and in November Court
Seventeen Hundred and Forty-four the like Sum, in the whole
amounting to the Sum of Eight Hundred Pounds, over and above
the Sheriff's Salary for Collection, to be applied by the Vestry and
800 l. to be
levied in St.
Mary Anne
Parish for
Building a
new Church.
Church-wardens, or the major Part of them, of the said Parish, for
the Time being, to the Building and Finishing a Brick Church in
the Parish aforesaid, at the Place aforesaid.
p. 21
And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, by and with
the Advice and Consent aforesaid, That the said annual Sums of
Money shall be Levied and Collected by way of Execution, in the
same manner that other Public and County Levies and Assessments
are Collected and Levied, and that the Sheriff of said County for
the Time being, who shall be intrusted with the said Collection or
Collections, shall be obliged to pay the Sum he shall be intrusted
with for Collection, to the Vestry and Church-wardens of the said
How the
said annual
Sums are to
be levied.