394 Assembly Proceedings, Sept. 21-Oct. 29, 1742.
out of this Province, or into the said three Lower Counties upon
Delaware, or any Parts thereof, or of the Lands or Territories as
aforesaid, it shall and may be lawful for such Person or Persons, so
discovering the same, to stop and seize the said Beasts of Burthen
or Carriages so loaden as aforesaid, all which said Beasts of Burthen,
and also all such Carriages, together with their Teams and Tackle,
shall be forfeited, the one Half of the Value thereof to the Person
discovering and seizing the same, the other Half to the Use of the
Poor of the Parish where such Discovery and Seizure shall be made,
agreeable to the Directions as is herein before directed, and to be
recovered as before-mentioned; unless the Driver or Drivers of the
said Beasts or Carriages, or the Owner of the said Indian Corn,
or some other legal Evidence, shall in Five Days immediately next
after such Seizure, prove by Oath, before some Magistrate of the
County where such Discovery or Seizure shall be made, that the said
Indian Corn so discovered and seized as aforesaid, was not designed
or intended to be carried away, or transported by Land out of the
Province, or into the said three Lower Counties upon Delaware, or
any Part thereof, or into the Lands or Territories as aforesaid, con-
trary to the true Intent and Meaning of this Act, but was really and
bona fide only to be carried to some convenient Place, Port, or Land-
ing, within the Province of Maryland, and within the immediate
Jurisdiction thereof.
And be it further Enacted, by the Authority, Advice, and Consent
p. 10
and Parish-
Officers, to
promote the
of this Act.
aforesaid, That every Officer of the Customs within this Province,
Provincial Justice, Justice of the Peace, Sheriff, Under-Sheriff,
Vestry-man, Church-warden, and Constable, and every of them,
shall be, and are by this Act impowered, enjoyned and required re-
spectively to put this Act in Execution, and be aiding and assisting
to every Person that shall make any Information, Discovery, or
Seizure, on Pain of forfeiting Five Pounds Current Money for every
Neglect or Omission, to be recovered in the Manner, and to the
Uses aforesaid.
And be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That where any In-
formations shall be exhibited, or Actions brought, for or touching
any Matter or Thing in this Act set forth or relating thereto, that
such Action or Actions, notwithstanding the Expiration of the Time
from the said Twentieth of November to the First Day of July fol-
lowing, shall not be determined, but that such Actions shall proceed
and continue until a full Determination thereof by due Course of
Law, according to the true Intent and Meaning of this Act; any
other Law, Custom, or Usage, to the contrary notwithstanding.
Chapter VI.
An Act to revive an Act of Assembly of this Province, Entituled,
An Act for the better Relief of Poor Debtors.
An Act
Be it Enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary, by
and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's Governor, and