Acts. 393
ered and obliged to Administer, before the Clearing of such Ship or
And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That upon
Information to be made to any Naval Officer or Collector within this
Province, of Indian Corn taken on board any Ship or Vessel, to be
Exported out of this Province, such Naval Officer or Collector is
and are hereby obliged to search such Ship or Vessel, and if he or
they shall discover any greater Quantities of Corn on board such
Ship or Vessel, than is before by this Act permitted to be taken on
board, for the necessary victualling such Ship or Vessel during the
Voyage, or see other legal Cause, such Officer or Officers shall and
are hereby obliged to seize such Corn, for the Uses in this Act before
Officers to
upon In-
And be it Enacted by the Authority, Advice, and Consent afore-
said, That between the Twentieth Day of November next, and the
First Day of July which shall be in the Year of our Lord, One Thou-
sand Seven Hundred and Forty-three, all Persons whatsoever, who
shall have the Property or Disposal of any Indian Corn, and who
shall carry or cause to be carried, or shall permit, suffer, or con-
nive at, the same being carried out of their Houses, Custody, or
Possession, in order to be conveyed out of the Province, or into the
Counties of Newcastle, Kent, or Sussex upon Delaware, or any
Parts of the said Counties now under the Government of the same,
Those who
connive at,
or cause to
be carried
out of this
any Corn,
by Waggon,
or other-
wise, to
pay s s. for
or into any Part or Parts of the Lands or Territories now under the
Government of the Province of Pennsylvania, such Person or Per-
sons, so carrying or causing to be carried, or permitting, suffering,
or conniving at the carrying, carting, or conveying any Indian Corn,
as aforesaid, out of the Province, by Land, or into the said three
Lower Counties of Newcastle, Kent, and Sussex, aforesaid, or any
Parts of the same, or the Lands or Territories now under the Gov-
ernment of the Province of Pennsylvania aforesaid, their Assistants
and Abettors, or any of them, shall forfeit and pay for every Bushel
of Indian Corn, so carried, or caused to be carried, or permitted to
be conveyed and carried out of this Province, or into the said three
Lower Counties, or any Parts thereof, or of the Lands or Territories,
as aforesaid, the Sum of Five Shillings Current Money, to be re-
covered by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Information, wherein
no Essoin, Protection, or Wager of Law, shall be allowed; the one
Moiety of which said Forfeiture shall be to the Informer, or him
or them that will sue for the same, and the other Moiety to be ap-
plied for the Use of the Poor of the Parish where such Seizure shall
p. 9
be made, in the same Manner as is herein by this Act before directed.
And be it further Enacted, by the Authority, Advice, and Consent
aforesaid, That where any Person or Persons whatsoever, shall dis-
cover any Beasts of Burthen, or any Cart, Waggon, or other Land-
Carriage, loaden with Indian Corn, and have Reason to suspect the
same is carrying, or designed to be carried and transported by Land,
Beasts of
&c. carrying
Indian Corn
out of the
Province, to
be forfeited.