the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the Authority of
the same, That an Act Entituled, An Act for the better Relief of poor
Debtors, made at a Session of Assembly begun and held at the City
of Annapolis, the Tenth Day of October, Anno Domini Seventeen
Hundred and Twenty-two, be, and is hereby revived and continued
to be, and remain in full Force, for and during the Term of Three
Years from the End of this Session of Assembly, and to the End
of the next Session of Assembly that shall happen after the End of
the said Three Years.
Provided, That this Act, or the Act hereby intended to be revived
and continued, shall not extend, or be construed to extend, to exempt
any Person or Persons whatsoever from the Payment of his Lord-
ship's Quit-Rents, Alienation Fines, or other Dues and Duties pay-
able to his Lordship the Lord Proprietary, or his Governor for the
Time being, for his or their sole Benefit, in any Specie or Manner to
Bills of Credit, it is amongst other Things Enacted, That the said
Bills of Credit should pass in Payment, Satisfaction, and Discharge
of all Contracts, after Publication thereof, within this Province, for
Current Money; and that all or any of the Inhabitants of this Prov-
ince might, and by the same Act were enabled to discharge all Levies,
(the Forty per Poll, and all Tobacco directed by any Act of Assem-
bly of this Province to be levied, and applied to the building and re-
pairing of any Church or Churches, therein excepted) in the said
Bills of Credit, or Gold or Silver; and that all Bounties, Rewards,
and Allowances, given and allowed by any Act of Assembly of this
Province, and also all Fines, Forfeitures and Penalties, settled and
established in Tobacco by any Law of this Province, should and
might be paid, satisfied, and discharged in the said Bills of Credit, or
Gold and Silver, rating Tobacco at Ten Shillings per Hundred, and
in Proportion for a lesser Quantity; with Proviso, that no Person
should be obliged to pay the said Bills of Credit, Gold or Silver, in
lieu of Tobacco; but that every such Person should be at Liberty
to pay Tobacco for the said Levies and Penalties, as if the said Act
had never been made; but that every Person who should not tender
or pay such Bills of Credit, or Gold or Silver, by the Tenth Day of
April yearly, during the Continuance of that Act, should be obliged
to pay all Levies in Tobacco, as if that Act had never been made.
And Whereas, several of the People of this Province, liable to pay
the Public and County Levies, have also Allowances made to them in
the Public or County Levies, by Laws now in Being, for certain
by 1746 Ch.
5, 1750 Ch.
2, and 1753
Ch. s, until
the expira-
tion on Sept.
29, 1764, of
the paper
money Act
of 1733-
continued to
Oct. 2, 1771,
by the in-
spection law
of 1763 Ch.
18, Sec 28.]