Acts. 263
the Owner thereof, shall totally leave and desert the same, that the
same Land shall be Sold and Disposed of by Commissioners or Trus-
tees to be Appointed by the Assembly, and that the Money arising
by the Sale thereof, shall be Applied to Reimburse the Publick the
Money directed by this Act to be Paid to the said Charles Sewall.
And be it further Enacted by the Authority, Advice and Consent
aforesaid, That when the said Indians commonly called the Ababcoes,
Hutsaivaps, and Tequassimoes, as aforesaid, for whose Use the said
Land called Indian Neck was settled and taken from the Owner
thereof, shall totally leave and desert the same, that the same Land
shall be Sold and Disposed of by Commissioners or Trustees to be
And the
Money aris-
ing by such
Sale to re-
imburse the
Appointed by the Assembly, and that the Money arising by the Sale
thereof shall be Applied to Reimburse the Publick, what was Paid
by the Publick to the said Nicholas Sewall.
Saving to his most Sacred Majesty, his Heirs and Successors, the
Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary, his Heirs and Successors,
and all Bodies Politick and Corporate, and all Others not mentioned
in this Act, their several and respective Rights.
p. 13
An Act for the Assessment and Payment of the Publick Charge of
this Province.
Whereas there is the Sum of Eleven Thousand Five Hundred and
Ten Pounds, Nine Shillings and Four Pence, Current Money, due
from the Publick of this Province to the several Creditors thereof, as
appears by the Journal of Accounts Assented to by both Houses of
this present Session of Assembly, For the Discharge and Payment
Be it Enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary, by
and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's Governor, and the
Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the Authority of the
same, That the same Sum of Eleven Thousand Five Hundred and
Ten Pounds, Nine Shillings and Four Pence, together with a Salary
of Five Pounds per Cent, thereon, for Collection to the several
Sheriffs who shall Collect and Pay the same, shall be Assessed on
and Levied from the several Taxable Inhabitants of this Province,
by an equal Levy or Assessment this Year.
And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the
Honourable Benjamin Tasker, Esq; George Plater, Esq; Col. James
Hollyday, Col. Charles Hammond, Col. Levin Gale, and Samuel
Debts to be
this Year.
Chamberlain, Esq; of the Upper House, and Mr. Philip Hammond,
Dr. Charles Carroll, Maj. Edward Sprigg, Mr. Vachel Denton,
Mr. Henry Hall, and Mr. Thomas Sheredine, of the Lower House
of Assembly, or the major Part of them, be, and are hereby Ap-
pointed, a Committee to meet together at the City of Annapolis, on
the Second Tuesday of October next, and there to Assess and Ap-
portion the aforesaid Sum of Money, with the Salary aforesaid
thereon, by even and equal Portions, on the Taxable Inhabitants
A Com-
mittee ap-
pointed to
Assess and
the Public