262 Assembly Proceedings, May 26-June 22, 1741.
his Debts: That the said Tract of Land was by virtue of an Act of
Assembly made in the Year of our Lord, One Thousand Six Hun-
dred and Sixty Nine, Settled on and Appropriated to the Use of the
Choptank Indians, in view of keeping them in Peace and Amity with
the Inhabitants of this Province.
And whereas the said Nicholas Sewall in his Life Time was satis-
fied and paid by the Publick for a Tract of Land called Indian Neck,
containing Six Hundred Acres included in the Survey of the said
Tract called Darby, and that there remains no more of the said
Tract called Darby, exclusive of the said Six Hundred Acres and
Water, than Two Thousand and Thirty Two Acres, which said
p. 12
Two Thousand and Thirty Two Acres are Bounded as follows, viz.
Beginning at a Point of Marsh, being the uppermost Bound of a
Tract of Land laid out for Jerome White, Esq; and running up the
River binding therewith to Sewall' s Creek, thence up the said Creek
and Branch thereof, binding therewith till it intersect a South East
Line drawn from the Mouth of the said Creek, at the distance of Six
Hundred and Forty Perches, ran on the said South East Line, thence
South West Seven Hundred and Fifty Perches, till it intersect a
South East Line drawn from the Place of Beginning, and with that
Line to the said Beginning, containing Two Thousand and Thirty
Two Acres of Land exclusive of Indian Neck, for which no Satis-
faction or Compensation appears ever to have been made to those
who have the Estate of the said Henry Sewall. And for that it is
agreeable to natural Equity and Justice, that the Publick should
make Satisfaction for the said Land, whereof the Owner was
Divested for the Publick Safety.
610 l. to be
paid Charles
Sewall out
of the Loan-
Be it therefore Enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Pro-
prietary, by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's
Governor, and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the
Authority of the same, That the said Charles Sewall, his Executors,
Administrators or Assigns, shall be paid the Sum of Six Hundred
and Ten Pounds Current Money of this Province, to be Paid with all
convenient speed by the Commissioners or Trustees for Emitting
the Bills of Credit, to the said Charles Sewall, his Executors, Ad-
And Repaid
in by the
ministrators or Assigns, and Repaid to the said Commissioners or
Trustees, by the Treasurers of this Province, out of the Publick
Stock thereof, so soon as they shall have the same in their Hands,
after the Payments already directed by any Act of Assembly hereto-
fore made, shall have been made, in full Satisfaction and Compensa-
tion for the said Two Thousand and Thirty Two Acres of Land;
When the
Land de-
serted by
the Indians,
then to be
sold by
which same Money so to be Paid, shall be subject to such Disposition
and Application as the said Nicholas Sewall hath Directed and Ap-
pointed by his Last Will and Testament.
And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That when
the Indians commonly called the Ababcoes, Hutsawaps, and Tequas-
simoes. for whose Use the said Land was settled, and taken from