264 Assembly Proceedings, May 26-June 22, 1741.
aforesaid, and particularly to order and direct how much thereof
shall be Levied and Collected by the Sheriff of each respective
County, and to what Persons being Publick Creditors the respective
Sheriffs shall Pay the same, and a fair Journal of all and singular
their Proceedings in the Premisses to make and deliver to the Clerk
of the Lower House of Assembly, to be laid before the next General
Assembly thereafter to be held for this Province.
And whereas by an Act of Assembly, entituled, An Act for Issuing
and Paying out of the Office of the Commissioners or Trustees for
Emitting Bills of Credit established by Act of Assembly the Sum of
See an Act
made in
April, 1740.
Two Thousand Five Hundred and Sixty Two Pounds Ten Shillings
Current Money in Bills of Credit, to be applied for the Encourage-
ment of Persons voluntarily Inlisting themselves in his Majesty's
Service, It is Enacted, That one Third part of the said Sum of Two
Thousand Five Hundred Sixty Two Pounds Ten Shillings, or so
much thereof as should be applied to the Uses in the said Act men-
tioned, should be Assessed on the Taxable Inhabitants of this Prov-
ince in the Publick Levy this Year :
One Third
of the
Money laid
out by said
Act to be
this Year.
Be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the said Commit-
tee, or the major Part of them, shall Settle and Assess one Third
Part of so much of the last mentioned Sum of Money, as shall to
them appear to have been applied according to the Direction of the
said Act of Assembly, on the Taxable Inhabitants aforesaid, by
equal Portions, together with, and in the same manner as the afore-
said first mentioned Sum of Money is hereby before directed to be
Assessed and Apportioned.
p. 14
And be it further Enacted, That the several and respective Inhabi-
tants of this Province, who shall be Charged with the Payment of
not to be
executed till
any Part of the aforesaid Eleven Thousand Five Hundred and Ten
Pounds, Nine Shillings, and Four Pence, and the Salary aforesaid
thereon, shall not be subject to any Execution either of their Persons,
Goods or Chattels, for any Part of the same Sum last mentioned,
before the last Day of June in the Year of our Lord Seventeen Hun-
dred and Forty Two, provided that such Persons or Inhabitants
shall not be entitled to the Benefit of any of the Acts for superseding
Executions for any part of the said Sum by them to be paid: And
Sheriffs to
pay by the
1st of Aug.
that the said several Sheriffs shall be obliged to Account with the
several Creditors of the Publick for the Sums mentioned in the
Journal aforesaid, on or before the first Day of August then next
And be it further Enacted, That the several and respective Sheriffs
aforesaid, shall and are hereby obliged to Collect and Levy so much
To observe
the Direc-
tions of the
of the aforesaid Sum of Money, as to them shall respectively by the
Committee aforesaid be appointed, and the same to Pay to the several
Persons, and in such Proportion, as by the said Committee, or the
major Part of them, shall be Directed.