Acts. 261
Bafoot, Anne Rind, Mary Penn, Joseph Macclester, and Patrick
Mac Vay, or any of them, shall Satisfy and Pay to the Sheriffs the
residue of their Imprisonment Fees, provided that the said Sheriffs
shall not Prosecute, Detain or Imprison the said Nicholas Hammond,
Peter Topping, Edward Cooley, Henry Templeman, William Bafoot,
Anne Rind, Mary Penn, Joseph Macclester, and Patrick Mac Vay,
or any of them, within Two Years after his or their Releasement;
any thing in this Act contained to the contrary notwithstanding.
And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That if any
of the Persons intended to be Relieved by this Act are and shall be
of sufficient Ability of Body of Labour, such Person or Persons,
p. 11
being unmarried and having no Family, shall be and are hereby
obliged to Serve a Term not exceeding Five Years, to any Person
or Persons who are or shall be inclinable to purchase the Time and
Servitude of such Debtor or Debtors as aforesaid, and that the re-
spective Sheriffs in whose Custody the aforesaid Persons, or any of
them, are, be, and are hereby, authorized, impowered and obliged,
at the first County Court to be held for their respective Counties next
after the end of this Sessions, and during the Time of Court sitting,
by order of such Court, to publish the Sale of such Debtor, and the
Time of his or her Servitude, and the same may and are hereby
obliged to sell or dispose of to the highest Bidder, and the Money
arising from such Sale, shall be as Effects of such Debtor in the
hands of such respective Sheriff as aforesaid, subject to an equal
distribution to the Creditors of such Debtor or Debtors, and such
Sheriff is hereby obliged to distribute the same in equal proportion
to such Creditors accordingly.
Prisoners to
be Sold for
5 Years if
Provided always, That any such Debtor or Debtors being Single
and subjected to Serve as aforesaid, and being Sold for that purpose,
that then and in such case such Sale and Service is hereby deemed
a full and sufficient acquittal and discharge against all Debts due
from such Person or Persons, before such Sale and Servitude as
aforesaid; any thing in this Act, or any Law, Statute, Usage or
Custom to the contrary thereof notwithstanding.
Such Sale to
clear them
of all Debts.
An Act for the Relief of Charles Sewall of St. Mary's County, Esq;
and other Purposes therein mentioned.
Whereas it hath been made appear to this General Assembly,
That Henry Sewall, Esq; Deceased, Grandfather to the said Charles
Sewall, was seized in his Demesne as of Fee, of and in a Tract of
Land called Darby, lying in Dorchester County, containing Three
Thousand Acres, according to the Grant or Patent thereof, which
same Land was by the said Henry Sewall Devised in Fee Simple to
Jane his Wife, Grandmother to the said Charles Sewall, and de-
scended from the said Jane to Nicholas Sewall, late of St. Mary's
County, Esq; Deceased, Father of the said Charles Sewall, and was
by the said Nicholas Sewall Devised to be Sold for the Payment of