250 Assembly Proceedings, May 26-June 22, 1741.
Members of this Assembly, or otherwise obliged to Attend their
Duty therein.
Be it Enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary, by
and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's Governor, and the
Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the Authority of the
Courts con-
tinued from
June to
same, That all Causes, Pleas, Process, and Proceedings, either Civil
or Criminal, now depending in or returnable to any of the said
County Courts, to be held the first, third, or fourth Tuesdays of June
this present Year, shall be, and are by Virtue of this Act, continued
from the first, third, and fourth Tuesdays in June, until the first,
third, and fourth Tuesdays in August next respectively, and shall
be then in the same State, Plight and Condition, as they would be
on the said first, third, or fourth Tuesdays in June, and were unde-
termined in the last March Courts, held for the said respective Coun-
ties, any Law, Usage, or Custom to the contrary notwithstanding.
Chapter VI
p. 5
An Act Impowering the three Commissioners herein named, to-
gether with the Justices of Calvert County, to Repair the Court-
House of that County, by an Assessment on the Inhabitants
Whereas, as well the Justices of the said County Court, as other
the Inhabitants of the said County, have heretofore, by their humble
Petition to the then General Assembly, set forth, that the Court-
House of the said County being Built with Wood, and although of
no long Standing, yet is so decayed, that in a very few Years the same
will be altogether useless, and consequently put the County to a
great Charge to Build a new one, and that, excepting the Shingling,
the Roof is supposed to be good, and therefore Pray that an Act may
Pass in order to enable them to Brick the under Works and new
Shingle the said House, and that the Money that shall be agreed to
by the Commissioners herein after named, and Justices of the said
County, to be paid to the Person or Persons that shall Perform the
said Work, shall be Assessed and Levied on the Taxable Inhabitants
of the said County; All which Allegations being made appear to that
Assembly, and it being now represented to this House by the Dele-
gates for that County, that the said Court-House hath never been
yet Repaired, and is in great danger of falling down: It is therefore
Prayed that it may be Enacted,
And be it Enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary,
by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's Governor,
and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the Authority of
House to
be Repaired.
the same, That Mr. Benjamin Mackall, Mr. Benjamin Hance, and
Mr. Richard Young, together with the Justices of Calvert County,
or the major Part of them, be, and are hereby, Impowered to agree
with any Person or Persons to new Shingle the Court-House afore-