Acts. 249
the said next Court, in Court judicially sitting, settle and determine
what Value the aforesaid Slave of the aforesaid John Blandford
was of at the Time of his Commitment aforesaid, in Current Money
of this Province, and shall Cause an Entry or Minute of such Value
to be made in the Proceedings of their said Court.
And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the
Treasurer of the Western Shore of this Province for the Time being,
upon the producing a Certificate from the Clerk of the said County,
under his Hand and the County Seal (which Certificate the same
Clerk is hereby required to make and give) of the Value of the said
last mentioned Slave, settled and determined as aforesaid, shall Pay
to the same John, his Executors, Administrators or Assigns, what
the same Slave shall have been Valued at as aforesaid, out of the
Publick Stock of this Province in his Hands, without Fee or Reward.
for said
Slave to be
paid out of
And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the
Justices of Queen-Anne's County Court, shall, at the next Court to
be held for that County after the End of this present Session of
Assembly, or at the Court succeeding the said next Court, in Court
judicially sitting, settle and determine what Value the aforesaid
Slave of the aforesaid William Ratcliffe was of at the Time of his
Commitment aforesaid, in Current Money of this Province, and shall
Cause an Entry or Minute of such Value to be made in the Proceed-
ings of their said Court.
Justices of
County to
the value of
Wm. Rat-
cliff's Slave
at the Time
of his com-
And be it further Enacted by the Authority, Advice and Consent
aforesaid, That the Treasurer of the Eastern Shore of this Province
for the Time being, upon the Producing a Certificate from the Clerk
of the said County, under his Hand and the County Seal (which
Certificate the same Clerk is hereby required to make and give,) of
the Value of the said last mentioned Slave, settled and determined
as aforesaid, shall Pay to the same Hannah Ratcliffe, her Executors,
Administrators or Assigns, what the same Slave shall have been
Valued at as aforesaid, out of the Publick Stock of this Province in
his Hands, without Fee or Reward.
p. 4
to his Exe-
cutrix to be
paid out of
Provided always, and it is hereby further Enacted and Declared,
That the Sum of Money which the said Hannah Ratcliffe shall Re-
ceive by Virtue of this Act for the Slave last mentioned, shall be
deemed and reckoned as Assets in the personal Estate of the afore-
said William Ratcliffe, and Subject to the Payment of Debts and
Distribution in the same manner as if the same had been paid to the
said William Ratcliffe in his Life Time.
Said Allow-
ance subject
to Payment
of Debts,
An Act for the Continuance of Baltimore County Court, Caecil
County Court, Kent County Court, and Queen' Anne's County
Court, from the first, third and fourth Tuesdays in June next, until
the first, third and fourth Tuesdays in August next.
Chapter V
Whereas several of the Justices of the said respective Counties,
and also several of the Attorneys Practising in the said Courts, are