Acts. 251
said, and to have the under Works or Walls thereof made up and
walled with Brick, Stone, or otherwise, as they shall think fit, and
to make such Repairs as the said Court-House shall want.
And be it further Enacted by the Authority, Advice and Consent
aforesaid, That the said Justices of Calvert County, or the major
Part of them, be, and are hereby, Impowered to Assess and Levy,
by an equal Assessment, on the Taxable Inhabitants of the said
County, any Sum of Money, not exceeding Five Hundred Pounds
Current Money of Maryland, in order to satisfy and pay any Work-
men they shall agree with to do the said Work, so as aforesaid to be
made to the said Court-House aforesaid, one Moiety of such Sum as
they shall agree for, to be Levied at the next November Court to be
held for the said County, and the other Moiety at November Court
thereafter, which said Money shall be Collected by the Sheriff of
the said County for the Time being, and paid by him to the Person
or Persons that the Commissioners and Justices aforesaid shall Order
and Direct, and that the said Sheriff shall have for such Collection at
and after the rate of Five Pounds Current Money per Cent, and no
The Charge
of Repair-
ing how de-
An Act Impowering the Justices of Prince George's County, to Levy
on the Taxable Inhabitants of Queen Anne Parish in the said
County, the Sum of One Hundred Pounds Current Money of
Maryland, for the Uses therein mentioned.
p. 6
Whereas the Vestry-men, Church-wardens, and principal Inhabi-
tants of the Parish aforesaid, have by their Petition to this General
Assembly set forth, that their Rector the Reverend Mr. Jacob Hen-
derson, hath at his own Cost new Shingled the Chappel which was
Built by his late Spouse and him, in a convenient Place of the said
Parish for the remote Inhabitants, and hath given the same, with
Four Acres of Land whereon it stands, to the said Parish for Ever,
that the said Chappel wants sundry Repairs, and have humbly Prayed
that an Act may Pass impowering the Justices of Prince George's
County Court, to Levy on the Taxable Inhabitants of the said Parish,
the Sum of One Hundred Pounds Current Money, in order to enable
them to compleat the above Repairs, and also, that the said Chappel
may be deemed a Chappel of the said Parish, and at all Times here-
after, when need require, be supported and repaired at the Charge of
the said Parish.
Be it therefore Enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Pro-
prietary, by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's
Governor, and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the
Authority of the same, That the Justices of Prince George's County,
shall and may, and they are hereby Authorized and Impowered, on
the Application of the said Vestry-men and Church-wardens, to