Provincial Court Proceedings, 1658. 79
Aprill 30 1658
All Pent as yesterday, & Mr Nath: Vtye.
P. C. R.
April 30
This day Came James Jolley & acknowledged a Judgmt in open
Court To Tho: Jordan of London Mercht, his heyres admistratoes
or Assignes for One Thowsand & Thirty pownds of Tob in cask.
Jordan v.
The same day allso came the foresd James Jolley, & acknowledge!
a Judgment in open Court to Richard Hix, his heyres admistrato"
or Assignes for fiue hundred pownds of Tob. in cask.
Hix v. Jolly
Allso the sd James Jolley acknowledgeth a Judgmt in open Court
to Walter Senserf, his heyres, admistratoes or Assignes for One
Thowsand Three hundd Thirty Three pownds Tob. in cask wthout
grownd leaues uppon a Bill dat. 29 Apr. 1658
Senserf v.
Uppon the Petn of Walter Hall, agst Henry Payton, Concerning a
Boate wch Henry ffox lent to the sd Payton, & wch the sd Walter Hall
hath right unto, by marrying the Relict of the sd Henry ffox &c: It
being proued tht there hath bene an Attachmt graunted & serued
uppon a Debt of the sd Paytons in Leiutent James Lindseys hand
thereby to bring the sd Henry Payton to answere, & he neuer ap-
pearing. And uppon the Oath of Walter Pakes who affirmeth in
open Court That he was buying the sd Boate of Henry ffox about a
month or thereabouts before tht Boate was lent to the sd Payton, &
profered 500l Tob, for the sd Boate & Sayle, & the sd ffoxe profered
the sd Boate for 600l Tob to the Depont It is Ordered tht the Petr
haue a new Attatchmt for Twelue hundd pownds Tob. & In case the
sd Payton appeare not eyther by himsele or Attorney att the next
Prouinciall Court, Then the Petr to haue Judgmt for six hundd
pownds Tob, sswth costs & dammages.
Hall v. Pey-
Uppon the Petn of Elizabeth Robins, clayming a Reference till
next Court, Robt Robins husband to the sd Elizabeth desyres tht a
Reference be not graunted: But tht the business wch hath bene form-
erly here in dispute, may come to a finall tryall & issue att this pent
Court. But the Petr alleaging tht shee hath not her wittnesses ready,
& the persons lyuifng about Wicocomoco Ryuer. It is Ordered That
this cause bee referred to the next County Court, to be held in Charles
County, & both parties to expect their tryall, there, & to bring their
wittnesses thither.
Robins fv.
James Lindsey demands Lres of Admistraon uppon the Estate of
Symon Antonio as Crede unto it in the summe of 2162l Tob. due by
Bill & accompt
Ordered tht he haue Lres of Admistraon, as being greatest Crede
Re An-
tonio's Es-