78 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1658.
P. C. R.
The Jury returned their Verdict in writing (Viz) The Jury finds
That James Jolley shall haue in his Bill, wth Twenty pownds of Tob.
damage of Timothy Goodridge, And tht James Jolley pay unto the sd
Timothy Goodridge Seauen hundd pownds of Tob forthwth, wch
appeares by Oath due to the sd Goodridge, but not apperteyning to
the Bill, And it is Ordered tht their Verdict be entred for the Judgmt
of the Court.
Seymour v.
Jane Elton-
Whereas an Order of Court hath formerly bene entred on behalfe
of the ptf, in february last, as appeares uppon Record for Seauen
hundd & Twenty pownds of Tob. And the deft not being able to
shew any cause, why it should be reuersed. This Court doth Judge
tht the deft pay the ptf the sd Seauen hundd & Twenty pownds of
Tob, wth costs of suite, according to the former Order.
Eltonhead v.
Whereas Edward Eltonhead pe Attornat, Josyas ffendall Esqr
Gour of this prouince, Producing a Bond or Obligaon under the hand
& Seale of Willm Eltonhead deceased, for the paymt of ffifty Three
pownds, Ten shillings sterl. as by the sd Deed more att large ap-
peareth, And the deft (being Admistratrix to the Estate of the sd
Willm Eltonhead her deceased husband) not being able to proue the
p, 43
paymt of any part thereof, It is Ordered by this Court That an
Inuentory of the sd Estate, be gyuen in uppon Oath, by the Ad-
mistratrix wthin one month, & tht the estate soe Inuentorized bee
appraysed by the Oath of Henry Coursey Gentn Robert Taylor,
George Reade and Barnaby Jackson, or any Two of them, And tht
the sd Admistratrix satisfy the sd Bond, out of the sd Estate. And
because all money debts are payd wth Tobacco in this Country, It
is Ordered likewise That the plf take Tobacco pickd & culld wthout
seconds & grownd leaues att Two pence Sterl pe pownd.
And the Admistratrix of Willm Eltohead Deceased desyred to
make tender of the Estate in Satisfaction of the Debt mentioned in
the aforesd Order. Whereuppon the Court considering tht noe
Admistrator is by Law bownd to pay further then they haue receued
Assetts, Doe Order tht the sd Edward Eltonhead or his Attorney, be
possessed wth the sd Estate, to be disposed of for his satisfaction,
And to tht end tht an Inuentory be deliuered in uppon Oath by the sd
Admistratrix, & tht the Estate soe inuentorized bee appraysed uppon
Oath, as in the former Order graunted in this cause, And tht the
Admistratrix bee allowed her Dowry, according to the Law & Cus-
tome of England.
Eltonhead v.
Jane Eltonhead plf produceth a Bill of the Defts of Two Thow-
sand pownds of Tob in cask. The Deft acknowledgeth a Judgmt for
Two Thowsand pownds of Tob, as is demanded, & Ordered tht it be
soe entred.
The Court adiorned by the Goue, till tomorrow morning